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Yeah, I made this topic so that I can hear what people tink about my work-Avatars, art, etc.  Basically, tell me what you think and how I can improve. :D
Thread title: 
Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow
(The arrows explain it)
Even five arrows isn't enough to rate how good your avatars are!
Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow

You make a lot of topics MMcLean
Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow

Personally I like my avatars better (no offense meant at all). You are newer to making them than I am. My work has a certain style (as you can see by looking at your sig image). And where would you be without my help for some of those avatars once in a while? :P  Wink

By the way, did you get the last one you needed fixed? I sent it a few days ago.

As for what you can improve... I don't know, you do a really good job (thus the four sta... arrows). I think they just look empty. There is usually no background, which can be a good thing sometimes, but a background (when used correctly) can make the difference between perfection and greatness.

Keep up the good work! :D
Lets just say I suck at background.  BTW, no offense taken.  I know I'm new, I got the idea from your topic.
Oh yeah... forgot about that. I can say that that topic has helped me GREATLY improve (as you can see in my newest avatar, my latest sig image created, and my suggested dvd cover), so I hope this topic can help you! :)
Question for Metroid Prime: If I wanted to request an avatar from you, what would you need from me? I'd like some kind of animated meta-ridley, but I'd like to know what prerequisites there are for getting an avvy made. Thanks!
I can't make animations. :(

Want something else?
Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow

Your avatars are very nice, but still they aren't perfect  Wink
I like your avatars, you made mine, but I made my sig!

Edit: Woops looks like me and phazon eater used the same image Embarassed
You've got some good ones.  The longer you do it and the more variety of things you try, the better you'll get at it.  If you're not good at backgrounds, then work on improving them.

I'll give ya  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow, because you make too many avatar topics.  A good artist is humble and accepts both criticism and acclaim without making too much of a fuss either way.