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Meri Kurisumasu! ^_^
Infected Mushroom - Spiritual Trance
Soilwork - Overload (yumsies.)
Agent Heart
Juke Box Hero
The Very Best.. and beyond

Foreigner rules. Just got their greatest hits as a late X-mas gift.
Lemon Zinger Weapon
The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
Jellyfish - Ignorance is Bliss
Juanes - Mala Gente
The Scumfrog - Simmer
Rage Against the Machine and Prodigy - One Man Army
They Might be Giants - (albums) The Spine, Flood, Lincoln, No!

The Scumfrog is currently playing out of that crazy list.
Mister ...
some kick ass Tetris remix I found on the 'net.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
E> GB Theme B
Mister ...
meh, Theme A is where it's at. Although, I guess it depends on the remix
Metroids Are Jerks
Song for the Dead, Queens of the Stone Age
Armor Guardian
Edit history:
nn12000: 2008-01-11 07:30:13 pm
Mister ...
Good Remix :D

But then again, most everything on OCRemix is pretty good.
Torvus Bog remix "Torvus Clockwork"
Lemon Zinger Weapon
Daft Punk's Aerodynamic
red chamber dream
I highly approve. In fact, I think I'm going to watch Interstella 5555 tonight.

Now it's the Shoot 'Em Up soundtrack for me. Best movie ever.
Yeah. It's the Running Flower.
True, true.
The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)

Pretty much anything from The Arcade Fire is good.  The only problem is that all the songs feel the same to me, but that could just be me.  That's not even a problem, really.
J. P. Sousa - Stars and Stripes Forever
Metroids Are Jerks
More Than A Feeling, Boston

red chamber dream
Quote from Phil W.:
True, true.
The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)

Pretty much anything from The Arcade Fire is good.  The only problem is that all the songs feel the same to me, but that could just be me.  That's not even a problem, really.

I've really been trying to get into TAR 'cause I've heard so many good things about them–– I have Funeral, but what I've heard of it so far just hasn't caught on with me yet. Guess I'll give it more listens.
Lemon Zinger Weapon
The Arcade Fire took me a little while to get used to, then I heard neighborhood #3 grin new  One of my top five favorite songs right now.
Successor of L
three days grace-pain
Mister ...
Dark Overworld from the Legend of Zelda: Sounds and Drama CD.
Samus Lauren
Goo Goo Dolls seems to be fitting my mood well right now...
Successor of L
castlevania symphony of the night-curse zone (i love scary themes)
Ready to internet!
for the next while, nothing but queen and vidgagame musics. exams and exam revision. bleh X_X
Metroids Are Jerks
Misfit Love, Queens of the Stone Age Live on the Henry Rollins' Show
Armor Guardian
Some of the most absurdly long video game music ever.
Mister ...
you want long?  Check out "Unsealed". It's a remix I found on VGMix before it went down for major upgrades. It's 19 minutes of pure A Link to the Past goodness.