Have you heard any of their older stuff, such as Answer That And Stay Fashionable? I can barely even listen to their newest two albums, since I can't help but compare them to their older ones, which are just ten times as good. AFI was so awesome when Mark and Geoff still played/wrote for them (Hunter and Jade just suck), when they were called everything but "A Fire Inside", when they were still on Nitro, and when they didn't take themselves so seriously (hence "Abuncha Fucking Idiots"). Davey Havok actually trying to sing rather than whine also sort of sucks. Don't get me wrong, I do like and STS and DU; they're just nowhere near the greatness of AFI's other five records.
Have you heard any of their older stuff, such as Answer That And Stay Fashionable? I can barely even listen to their newest two albums, since I can't help but compare them to their older ones, which are just ten times as good. AFI was so awesome when Mark and Geoff still played/wrote for them (Hunter and Jade just suck), when they were called everything but "A Fire Inside", when they were still on Nitro, and when they didn't take themselves so seriously (hence "Abuncha flickerbat Idiots"). Davey Havok actually trying to sing rather than whine also sort of sucks. Don't get me wrong, I do like and STS and DU; they're just nowhere near the greatness of AFI's other five records.
Plus, ATASF parodied Reservoir Dogs. :P
hmm. . . .I do have an entire discography on my box. . . wonder if it's time to take a listen to the whole thing. I've heard the last three albums (can't remember thier names offhand) and sure I'd like thier other material as well. but I don't know too much about the band at the moment so I think it's off to do some reasearch
Heh, yeah, their last three albums aren't the best if you want to hear what AFI really is supposed to sound like. I'd suggest Answer That And Stay Fashionable, Black Sails In The Sunset, and Very Proud Of Ya.
i hear my brain asking me "why are you wasting time typing this when your supose to meet the CIA in canada to help elvis train our ape over-lords?" or did just say "chesee" i can remeber.