He now goes by the name of TICONDEROGA. Yes, in all caps too. He changed his name and ISP to avoid trouble from the mods and admins over at SCU. However, he posted everywhere else on the internet that he was switching his name. Pure genius.
If he ever joins here, do yourselves a favor and ban him right away.
This guy stole sigs I made for people that had my name on them in the corner, and said that people could have them as long as they gave him credit...
I would be led to think, but not quite. For someone to own a forum they too need to obey certian rules. Banning random people, or one, for no reason at all or for one that has nothing to do with the person banning him is discrimination and the Internet Police could easily close the site. I am just thinking here, I could be completely wrong here though.
Exactly. I personally have no reason to hate him, but I do believe everything held againts him to this point. I would have to see his posting habbits to tell if he is a true jackass, but as soon as he steals something from someone hear he can be banned. That all is to say he comes here.