Hey, quick YouTube-related question. I know some of you guys have uploaded stuff before. I have three .avi clips that I want to upload as a single video; I figured YT would do that for me, but it doesn't. What's the simplest way to do it?
[Update: Pending a better idea, I used Windows Live Movie Maker, which made a .wmv. I think there may have been some quality loss, but we're talking camera footage of a DS here, so there's not much quality to lose. I'll post the link when it uploads -- this video being a fairly neat gaming accomplishment on my part -- but I'm still curious what suggestions you guys have.]
This is about the DS game Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja. It's a roguelike, i.e. randomly generated dungeons with a set number of floors. Rogue and Nethack are the genre's standard-bearers; for other modern examples, think Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Children of Mana, or the Azure Sky Tower in Boktai.
Anyway, this whole genre is famously hard, and Izuna's no slouch. When you die, the only thing you get to keep is your level. A lot of people can't handle it, and even when you put in the time to learn how to play properly, there's way too much random BS to avoid all of it all the time. So you can imagine that the very last postgame dungeon -- a true roguelike that only lets you enter at Level 1, and is 99 floors deep -- is not exactly popular.
Between that and the game itself being a bit hard to find, this last dungeon, the Path of Trials, has remained something of a mystery. Two people at GameFAQs reported beating it and gave some descriptions, but no one's ever posted footage of it... until now.
I'm interested to see that once I get home. I actually wanted that game quite a bit back in the day seeing an advertisement about it in Nintendo Power.
It's kinda funny though that as they go on about scientific accuracy they have a duck's head explode in space, though. internal pressure would have to be pretty nutso to pull that off!