Yeah I sort of remembered after the fact that there was something, but I just had no interest in engaging with that place any more and ran through because it is Tomb of the Giants tier trash.
Nope Catacombs is Yahargul done properly, kill guy that revives enemies and he stays dead. Opening the way to proper exploration. Or you can just jump down and skip all of it. It also holds nothing as bad as an enemy Hunter, nevermind three of them.
Yahargul, like Tomb of the Giants, is actively not worth participating in in any way, attempting to do so only reveals how poorly designed it is. The only good thing about it is that apparently everyone hates it.
Ebritas, obligatory boss where the camera kills you. Might be the first non DLC boss in these games that I just gave up on after a few tries. Though a lot of that is because I respawned with less than 20 Blood Vials so I had to go farm because Bloodborne's healing system is stupid.
Wandered into the DLC zone instead for a while and while the enemies may not be proper NPC Hunters they are still Hunters and therefore fucking annoying. The bug guys being back is also unfortunate. Ran into a large axe guy backed by a large guy with a cannon and decided it was time to stop since my Annoyed status was getting dangerously high.
I'm... liking it more than it sounds like, but running into problems I'd solve in Dark Souls by bringing a bow or crossbow but can only solve here, in this game where you have a gun by default, by charging in has been sort of a frustration throughout my time with Bloodborne. And it only gets more irritating when nearly every enemy you encounter in this area is a hunter with a shotgun who will happily just stand back and pelt me with it for like a fifth of my HP every time it hits and I seemingly can't even hurt anything with with my guns unless I want to equip the Cannon and pack some Bone Marrow Ash to make the most of all two shots you get with it. Let me shoot a stupid sniper in the head.
I don't know if the Whirligig Saw and Boomhammer are good weapons but they are A+ tier goof weapons. It's hard to really try out new weapons because upgrade materials above shard are so scarce in this game. Shards are goddamned everywhere.
It had occurred to me that I didn't know what the material for +10 was still so I looked it up and there's just two of them in the game? Why? I wonder what the reasoning was in restricting upgrades like they did. It's an odd choice.
Checked out the Pthumeru Chalice Dungeon, and I can already see where people were coming from with dungeons being samey. Ran through the same, like, four rooms a lot in just those five floors or whatever. Don't know how many of these I'll end up doing.
I would spread the Chalice Dungeons out a bit so they won't be literally the exact same thing over and over for 12 hours. I did all of them at once at the end of the game and it was miserable. Now I can kind of appreciate them and I even do quick Depth 5 dungeon runs in my main file to farm blood echoes.
You're more than strong enough to do Depth 1 and 2 dungeons soon-ish, then 3 when they're feeling fresh again, 4 and 5 when you're OP. It doesn't work perfectly because some chalices are locked until you complete others, but you can find your own rhythm for them, I'm sure. And of course that's only if you intend to see everything.
The problem with spreading them out is it's a bit late for me to do that, lol. Put them off a bit too long! It worked out in a way because having an easy breeze through of a dungeon after all the high effort fighting I've had to do in these late game areas was a nice break that I 100% needed after the Ebritas debacle.
I'm right outside Ludwig's place in the DLC. I've got the upper floor of the Lecture Hall to finish up since I bailed when I saw a boss door looking door and was in no mood for another boss after bouncing off of Ebritas. And I've got Nightmare Frontier to deal with properly since I didn't feel like dealing with a poison swamp last I passed through. Might start there next time I play. I don't know.
Were you looking at outdated information? You've been able to buy upgrade mats at the Insight shop for a while now. They're locked behind boss kills and/or badges though
Really, the whole economy in Bloodborne feels off. Consumables get more expensive as time goes on in a game where your healing is tied solely to consumables. Levels seem to ramp up in cost so quickly that Blood Starved Beast and Amelia were each barely worth a level by the time I got to them, and I wasn't farming. Equipment is expensive to the point I'm sitting somewhere between levels 60 and 70 and Lugwig's Holy Blade would be just a bit cheaper than a level, Alfred's silly hat is just over three levels. Twin Shards are half a Holy Blade or cost Insight which is much less renewable, Chunks are 20 Insight which just seems excessive given the less renewable nature of that currency.
I guess the idea was that since Chalice Dungeon's exist Souls would be far more available so prices can go higher and technically rare drops are unlimited, but man that seems to be banking a lot on areas that didn't have a ton of effort put into their design.
Yeah the healing system is one of the main points of criticism, but it's mostly an issue for the midgame. You can farm something like the pigs in Mensis for 5 minutes and get 100 vials out of it, so the consumable aspect of the heals goes from annoying to pointless, which is at least an improvement
Insight is plentiful while you're progressing and beating bosses but it's really hard to farm, I don't even know if you can outside of multiplayer and I guess repeatedly doing Chalices. I generally do one playthrough per weapon though so lack of materials was never a problem for me
Also iirc the leveling costs are 1:1 identical with DS1. Make of that what you will
Levelling costs probably aren't wildly different from typical Souls levels I'm pretty sure just feels like more because everything else is so much more expensive, yeah.
Well got through Nightmare Frontier and beat Amygdala, The Other Boss Where the Camera Kills You. Or in this case nearly kills you several times but your weapon's overleveled for this area so it doesn't matter. Probably missed a lot in that zone but after a point differentiating between parts of a poison swamp is a fool's errand. One of the more annoying poison swamps in these games to boot.
Earlier in this thread I had some harsh words for Yahargul, comparing it to Tomb of the Giants in terms of poor quality. And, while I still feel the comparison is justified, I feel I need to apologize for my tone in those posts because it was, I now realize, undeserved.
Because Nightmare of Mensis is, without question, worse than both. It is, by far, the worst zone in any of these games. Frozen Outskirts at least had the decency to be an entirely skippable DLC zone.
Nightmare of Mensis is required and contains:
-Those shitty worms from Cainhurst. -Frenzy attacks just for existing in the area. -Those shitty worms from Cainhurst in a zone with frenzy attacks just for existing in the area. -Giants with their dumb boulders that have a hitbox after they've disappeared. -Spider Hell. -NPC Hunter Wizard directly behind Spider Hell. -Jerkass enemies that can inflict Fast Poison. -Crows with Dog heads. -Dogs with Crow heads. -And who knows what other bullshit!
It bears no redeeming qualities. I feel worse off as a person for having experienced it.
I think your weapon feels OP for Amy because you can actually do that area much earlier. There's a secret way to enter a couple of areas in Bloodborne (you can't alter the main route or anything, it's more of a cool detail and they usually have good upgrade materials).