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Which game did you find better, Eternal Darkness or any games from the Resident Evil series?
Residnet Evil series (9)
Eternal Darkness (14)
lvl 28 Magic Leper
I am placing my vote on Eternal Darkness... I found it had better storyline and better camera angles. Once I got into Eternal Darkness I couldn't get out.
Thread title: 
Not impossible
just highly unlikely

To me, that's like asking whether my lovely girlfriend is better than a lump of shit.

Go ED.
lvl 28 Magic Leper
Wow I didn't think this many people liked ED over RE I thought I might have been the only vote for Eternal Darkness.
red chamber dream
Eternal Darkness all the way! It's so much more interesting and unique than RE, as much as I love those games..
ED always keeps me wating to play more. RE gets a little stale.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
RE gets my vote, as I've had fun with 3 out of the 4 I have, and have had fun with 0 of the 1 max ED's.
I need to play through the RE's, i bought RE 0, RE 1(cube) and RE: CVX over the summer, haven't touched any of them yet. (total cost: $45)
you should play them immediately, starting with re1 for cube.
red chamber dream
Definitely play the immediately. RE games are some of the best. ED edges them out a little, though.

And Nate..that avatar is crazy..Metroid and Zelda mixed, if I'm not mistaken. Did you make it?
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
nate's got a lot of avatars.  Not just Metroid and Zelda....
i think he's talking about the hootshot. was (is?) a running gag on the prime gamefaqs board, where i was introduced to this crazy sequence breaking thing in the first place over a year ago.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Oh, I remember that.  I haven't seen that avy in a while.
red chamber dream
Yeah that's the one. Crazy.
Eternal Darkness by a long slot. I swear to god, I never touched the controller... I watched my friend play the game completely and I wasn't sad for a second. Good enbough to be made into a movie.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Welcome back, Superion.
Heh... thank you. I am just on for a while, just to check up and see whats new. Alywas nice to be welcomed though. :)
Well, I played REremake to GC.

It got boring. I guess Survival Horror isn't my cup of tea.

If I want to get heart attack feelings from a game, I take a go at Aliens vs. Predator 2. Now THAT's a scary game. Actually, the only one that nearly has scared the shit out of me. Not even the dogs jumping in through the window in RE was as scary.

Never played ED.

No vote from me.
lvl 28 Magic Leper
This is off topic but hey Superion you told you quit, oh well.
red chamber dream
Hey, it's a good thing he's back!
Whys that?

My vote was a ne sided vote though. I haven't really played many RE games, I watch my friend play RE:Zero and that went by slow and boringaly. ED went by faster and MUCH more interestingly, so even though it is one sided, ED still matchs up to the maximum that I think RE could possibally put out.
red chamber dream
The more people here that love Metroid the better.
Resident Evil all the way. Me and my buddy played RE1 and 0 on the cube and adore them. Killer games. I've seen ED being played and couldn't stand it

Can't wait to finish RE2, 3, CV and get 4. Sucks how 2 was a direct port :(
Resident Evil Nemesis was simply the best video game ever.
Haven't played either of the games, but I think Resident Evil 4 looks good.

But I'm focusing my cash on Metroid Prime 2 - Echoes right now, so I won't be able to get any of the RE games, stupid money problems! :x
lvl 28 Magic Leper
Quote from Sam-Mag:
Haven't played either of the games, but I think Resident Evil 4 looks good.

I don't think Resident Evil 4 looks that great. It doesn't really have zombies just citizens infected by some weird strain of the T Virus that makes them go mad. Also in a preview I saw a picture of a ghost... how that fits in with the series in the least bit is beyond my grasp.