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If you remeber the old show from the 80's, or have even seen the lesser version now running on Game Show Network, you've probably wanted to play it.

Above is a Freeware version of Press Your Luck, no question round, but you do get the original board, and all the sounds with Peter Tomarkin.

Download it and give it a try sometime.

And if you ever hear a little voice in your head saying "You really should pass", do so, because 9 times out of 10 you will whammy.
Thread title: 
Hours and hours of fun (in a masochistic fashion) can be had playing this, I swear XD  I can't count the number of times I've blown $20,000 by thinking ONE MORE!!  ONE MORE!!  It's the peer pressure of my brain cells  :/
Quote from Sarah:
Hours and hours of fun (in a masochistic fashion) can be had playing this, I swear XD  I can't count the number of times I've blown $20,000 by thinking ONE MORE!!  ONE MORE!!  It's the peer pressure of my brain cells  :/

*adopts* What a great phrase: "Peer pressure of my brain cells"

And thanks for the link, I remember watching this show when it was originally on *takes a walk down amnesia lane*
Sounds insane.
this brings back memories of my busha (grandma in polish) wathing the reruns on GSN
When the voice in your head says "pass the spins" do it :/  I avoid that advice everytime though, it seems XD