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One shall stand, one shall ball.
Uhh check that last one again, bro.
That's a unicorn, and it doesn't look like the one in your avatar so it doesn't count.
I like turtles.
Oh, then never mind. Whoops :(
Heh, don't think I'll dress this way again in at least five years, so I may as well post a pic of it.
Whoops, here it is.
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Poision Envy: 2012-05-21 11:27:06 pm
Club 27 Goals
You look a lot like my friend that cooks his own hard drugs and used to have a huge basement for growing weed in

you look about 60% less mexican than he does though
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Idkbutlike2: 2012-05-21 11:32:59 pm
lol how does a Slavic white guy remind you of a Mexican?
Club 27 Goals
oh you're slavic? maybe he's like, super slavic then. You guys certainly have the same hair style and color, and smallish brown eyes. he's got a cuter smaller face, but yours looks more masculine, so you probably like that. (unless you secretly want to be femmy and been holding out)
red chamber dream
you look good in a suit
Well, truth be told, I got rid of that hairstyle as soon as prom was over. Don't know if it was the best decision, though, considering a bunch of girls told me I looked hot like that. Confused
Quote from arkarian:
you look good in a suit

Club 27 Goals
I can vouch for that hair style looking good
Club 27 Goals
I can also vouch that 85% of guys look better in suits. 5% look best naked.
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arkarian: 2012-05-21 11:43:55 pm
red chamber dream
100% of guys look worse in cheap suits though. makes all the difference.
I'm not sure how that one measures up price-wise. The whole outfit, minus the shoes, cost around $350.
Club 27 Goals
thats pretty expensive yo
red chamber dream
yeah nah that's a decent suit
red chamber dream
my favorite kind too, black with grey pinstripe
Club 27 Goals
since I got all my costume pieces together I should take a pic
Club 27 Goals
can't ever get this tie to tie properly  though, since it's really hard and not made of cloth. like it's part plastic or something
red chamber dream
don't buy cheap ties :P
Club 27 Goals
It's supposed to be cheap, it's part of the theeeeemeee

you'll see if I can get it to just stay properly
Buy a clip-on and save yourself from what I had to go through :(
red chamber dream
yeah i love how society expects men to choke themselves to look good

but hey, at least they look good