*Sigh* I wish I had a girlfriend that looked something like that. That's actually an honest-to-God picture of my sister at work...
I have a nineteen year-old sister that works at Hooters... Perhaps this why I am so messed up in the head?
I just dumped my actual girlfriend 'cuz I got the feeling that she didn't want to be in the relationship anymore. But it's all good, cuz I'm talking to a girl now that calls herself "The Sexicutioner."
Hey, a good idea for a topic: Where did you get your username from? If it holds any significance to you and isn't just a bunch of random words tossed together...
And thus, ladies and gentlemen, why I didn't risk making it. Good thing I'm lazy enough to not look to see if it's already been made AND lazy enough not to make my own, huh?
Hey, I finally found my brain and am posting this link here. Not all the pictures are of me, I got some of the Undertaker, my future tatoo, and even a Rendered Metroid Prime picture up there. Anyways, My DarkStarlings Gallery.
Ladies, be warned. There is a picture of me shirtless in there...
Never even heard of the site. I don't really follow wrestling much anymore: ever since the draft awhile ago, it's just gotten worse and worse. All the new wrestlers that go by their real names (wtf) are just all the same to me. Brock Lesnar was probably the last newcomer that I actually liked.
MoonTribes was a fan site for 'Taker where the owner personally went to every event and video tapped the Undertaker's every match. Then he'd go home and upload the videos onto his site and let anyone who was anyone view or even download the vids. Naturally, that pissed Vince off and Vince told the guy "Look, just shut it down and I won't take your ass to court." So, good bye MoonTribes! :?
I can get where you're coming from on not following anymore. It does kinda suck that they really seperated the shows into different branches. I geuss they did it because the superstars didn't like having to work both shows. Sucks for us fans...
Lesnar left WWE to try out for the NFL. When he didn't make the cut, he tried to come back but Vince was pretty pissed Brock left in the first place and wouldn't take him back. Poor Brock's outta a job now.