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people have recently expressed an interest in buying/wearing an m2k2 shirt. the shirt would cost whatever the base price is at cafepress or whatever - i don't need to be taking your money and making less people buy the shirt. a long time ago, someone suggested putting the old ascii art tbj diagram (first post there) on the front and the text "triple bomb jump" on the back with a link to the site, but that seems a tad plain to me.

Thread title: 
I would buy a shirt with the last panel of Maru Mari #49 and the whole of #50 on it.

Then the M2K2 logo on the back.
red chamber dream
I cannot express enough how much I'd be interested in wearing an m2k2 shirt. Pretty much anything with the m2k2 logo would do it for me.
soaking through
You could just use some of the rotating subtitles.  Keep it plain and simple, like the site.
red chamber dream
Heh, it would be awesome to have the logo with "since 2003" beneath it.
Maybe an animated GIF that cycles thru all the subtitles.

Seriously though, the logo is a natural for a black T. The catchy text sounds like a possible contest thingie. Or maybe a poll.
Cook of the Sea
Put banks's diagram on the front and either DJ's render of the thing or an actual screenshot on the back with the text:  "Proceed to the Gravity Suit and Ice Beam before defeating Thardus."  M2K2 logo goes above the screenshot. 

This could be done a couple more times with different important breaks. 

I would not buy a shirt because I only wear entirely black T-shirts, but I "would buy" in the sense that I think it's a good idea.
Sure. I would like to buy one or two or whatever you can offer  :D
The problem with having the site logo is that, all in all, it's a direct copy of Nintendo's own logo, and making clothing out of it for earning cash violates copyright laws, trademark laws, and all the trailing crap.

I'd suggest for something more subtle, like having some of those tees with the ascii art for the tbj, and some with some of the more Metroid-related lines from the random tagline generator at the top of the forum.
good point there.
my favourite slogans are:

Metroid 2002
make no mistake
Metroid 2002
since 2003
Metroid 2002
failure is temporary ... success is permanent
Metroid 2002
my best friend
Metroid 2002
look at me

They would perfectly fit on the shirt.
But for the logo... It's Nintendo stuff. And I think Nintendo will cause you much problems if you use their logo for your shirt...
andrew mills gets away with shit like that all the time, but then again, europe is so much more friendly to you if you're not a multimillion-dollar corporation.
l'appel du vide
Simple, vague, subtle.

That is all.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i would buy one or two... or three :)

i once put the SSBM logo in the front of a black shirt and it was simple. just the SSBM logo in red alone. some people recognized it (i don't use the shirt anymore since it was in like 2002 when i used it)

the m2k2 slogans could be a good idea. make shirts with some of them and with them mixed, so we can have different sets of slogans.
Also, if the idea still wants to be kept, we can always design a similar logo to the existing Screw Attack symbol (a stylized S with a circle on its background), and use that as the t-shirts' (and site) logo. :) Just a thought.
red chamber dream
Wouldn't even just slightly changing the colour of the Screw Attack symbol free it from copyright issues? I remember that blink-182 did that with their Cheshire Cat album cover; they wanted to use a calendar picture of a cat but had to discolour the cat's eyes to make it legal.
in the name of justice!
Quote from nate:
a long time ago, someone suggested putting the old ascii art tbj diagram (first post there) on the front and the text "triple bomb jump" on the back with a link to the site, but that seems a tad plain to me.

heh, i like plain shirts.  i would definitely buy a "triple bomb jump" shirt (i think my mom might even allow me to ^_^ ) and i don't think anything else could sum up the site so beautifully, so brilliantly, and simply.

nothing against the logo, but i think i'd kind of rather not have it on the shirt...

hahahaha, smart tags broke my quote, but not your post.
Ready and willing.
Ah, another effect of quoting and smart tags.
Quote from nate:
andrew mills gets away with gunship like that all the time, but then again, europe is so much more friendly to you if you're not a multimillion-dollar corporation.

that's europe. You can't compare it with America.
in the name of justice!
actually, that was nate's point...i think

reminds me of the time that i basically said that i fail at the "i before e" rule and then proceeded to spell receive incorrectly, and got made fun of, hahahaha.

It's Metroid Prime, sub-hour! Laughing


It's a start. Probably change the font and do it properly in Photoshop or something.
I would suggest that the font should be "Courier" or "Courier New" because m2k2 is only written in this font.
unless you change the style, anyway. ;)
Cook of the Sea
The other styles are all in your head.
red chamber dream
I'd be happy with Hejira's suggestion, only with the following on it:

Metroid Prime
by kip

Centered, of course. Or something like that.
i like it. i think it's still probably the ultimate achievement of this community (unless you count sda), so it fits (so to speak).