Someone over at the F-Zero GX gamefaqs forum pointed out this page on the official japanese site:
It looks to be a special promotional ship (and parts) given away at sanctioned F-Zero stores / events. What remains to be seen is wither or not we will be able to unlock these pieces via such events here (yeah right), or by using a Pro Action Replay to access them. The ship is E body, D grip, with A boost, and looks pretty sweet.
Only time will tell :o
It looks to be a special promotional ship (and parts) given away at sanctioned F-Zero stores / events. What remains to be seen is wither or not we will be able to unlock these pieces via such events here (yeah right), or by using a Pro Action Replay to access them. The ship is E body, D grip, with A boost, and looks pretty sweet.
Only time will tell :o
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