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Well, I'm having a problem with the videos.  There seems to be a weird sound hovering over the original sound of all of the videos.  I'm wondering if there's something wrong with the site or my computer.  I have all the requirements for them-everything.  Help anyone?
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Quote from MMcLean54:
Well, I'm having a problem with the videos.  There seems to be a weird sound hovering over the original sound of all of the videos.  I'm wondering if there's something wrong with the site or my computer.  I have all the requirements for them-everything.  Help anyone?

can you describe the sound?
Ummm... beeping sounds.  I can hear the movie itself in the background, but I hear louder beeping sounds over it... like bow boo, stuff like that.
Are you sure it isn't "boo bow?"

What player are you using?
disregard the last metroid's comment. heck, disregard the last metroid entirely. :P

you should download a segment of my 100% speed run here and tell me if it still does that in quicktime player outside of the browser.
Okay, I'll download a segment sometime today.  Do you want me to play it on Quicktime or Windows Media Player 9?
Quicktime would be recommended.
Okay, something's up with Quicktime.  I downloaded the newest version.  I played your segment and it still has that same sound hovering over hte original.  When I played the segment on Nero ShowTime, it worked perfectly.  Is there any possible way I could mover hte video on the site to Nero ShowTime?  Could anyone E-mail the video files to me?  I could probably convert them to Nero ShowTime and they would work.