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uNsane: 2009-05-17 05:32:52 pm
I have a bunch of wallpapers (that is, images at least 800x600 pixels in size with a 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio) that I've made over the past year or two and am bored, some I'm going to post them here. They're basically all made in Photoshop and Blender.

I have them on a new site now.


New images for May 17: Rainbar, Hyperspace, Silver Satin, Green Flash
Thread title: 
neat, even though i'd never use one. :P
Mister ...
I downloaded six of them.  I've been looking for something abstract for awhile so these will do nicely. 
My favorites are Carbon Megatropolis, Chemical Starshine and Skybubble.  Pretty cool.  They all seem to have just one central idea.  I want to see how it looks if you combine these.