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I was in the mood for some FPS nostalgia, so I re-installed the original Half-Life. It worked like a charm up until "Power Up." In case you forget, that's the one with the hugeass blue guy who shoots fire out of his hands.

So to kill it, I need to get the power back up and running. No problem. A couple boxes smashed, a couple buttons pushed, and the generator is on full, electricity arcing all over the place. I head back to Mr. Gargantua, jump through the window, and run to the previously fenced-off area to the left. The one that stays fenced off until you turn on the generator.

Unfortunately for me, the fenced off area is still fenced off. Spent an hour doing and re-doing that segment, flipping switches, not flipping switches, pushing different buttons, running around to different places... nothing works. No matter what I do, the fence stays, and no amount of buttons or crowbar-smacking will open it. Gameplay screeches to a halt, and forwards progress is impossible.

...or am I just forgetting something silly and obvious?
Thread title: 
Once the power is back on you need to rotate the platform the train is on and then take it out the tunnel that you say is fenced off, it'll just bust right through. Or you can do as done in the speedrun and not even turn the power on.  Wink
Quote from Radix:
Once the power is back on you need to rotate the platform the train is on and then take it out the tunnel that you say is fenced off, it'll just bust right through. Or you can do as done in the speedrun and not even turn the power on.  Wink

That's another oddity... however I switch the lever in the track control room, it says "Track Power Off." And yes, this IS after activating the generator.
my reply comes a bit late since you made this thread back in june :)

but yes i had this glich, too once.
i think theres not much that can be done here but load the last autosave
the train is not meant to move until you activate that lever that you cant reach

still you could cross the barrier where the train is needed usually by placing tripmines on it and jumping on them

....i know it does not matter anymore ^^