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Use \ before commas in usernames
red chamber dream
I was thinking that this forum ought to have a "Go To Page" function when you're viewing a topic. For the rather large topics, with more than fifteen or so pages, it is a hassle to have to click from page to page, for the pages are shown like this:

1, 2, 3.......13, 14, 15

And there is no way to jump immediately to page eight, for example. You'd have to go to page three, then four, then five, and so on until you reach eight. I know this isn't really a big problem now, as the vast majority of topics never reach more than two pages, but as the boards get larger, I think it would be nice to have a space to type the number of page you want to go to.
Thread title: 
show me a mod that adds this and i'll install it.
From long experience on Gaia, I learned to calculate how many posts per page, multiply the number by the page I wanted (minus one - page 1 starts at 0), and copy that into the URL field in the proper place. For instance, the post count is 25 here, so the syntax to go to page 2 would be:


Just replace the 25 on the end with [(desired page - 1) * 25].

Of course, your topic number will vary. :P
Too much work.  Rolling Eyes
red chamber dream
Wow, Nida, that's genius. Thanks, it will definitely help me.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Nida, you have too much time on your hands... way too much.
I thought everyone knew about that think Nida uses... I would use it if I did not have an inexplicable fear of ever typing anything into the address bar unless absolutely necessary.  :P
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I could do it, I had an idea of how those numbers affected the topic and page number, I'm just lazy and prefer to click, less typing is good.

viewtopic.php? - the actual file.
t=1841 - the number of the topic in the database.
postdays=0 - the number of days the post has been running.
postorder=asc - displacement of posts (ascending or descending).
start=25 - "start at post number 25".

Basically, the postdays and postorder parameters can be completely ignored. As for the other two, the t=[number] says the thread you're browsing, and the start=[number] says the page you're browsing. To calculate this page, just substract one from the page number that you want to see, and multiply that by 25. In other words, for example, checking a thread with start=75 would start on page 4 (4-1=3*25=75).

That's all there is to it.