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Hey everyone.

Metroid 2002 and everything associated with it was down from:

20:12 GMT (02:12 PM Central US time) to:
06:15 GMT (12:15 AM Central US time)

For the best explanation of the outage I have, check: http://forum.ev1servers.net/showthread.php?s=6048c1fe83ce58a93cd028ddd61e7774&threadid=46121

The additional delay in getting the services back was due to the file system being damaged by the unexpected power down, and a manual fsck needing to be run on the machine. After that, marie (co-admin) logged in and bound the server to the secondary IP address and restarted Apache. Mail services (for the forum) and FTP came later.

Thanks for your understanding. I kind of wonder if I'll get anything for free from them because of this.
Thread title: 
soaking through
Phew, so it wasn't just my computer.  It's been screwing around a lot recently, and wouldn't let me onto a few of the sites I wanted.  I was wondering if someone would make a downtime thread...
Thank Goodness I was playing X-wing Alliance(kick@$$ Game) and not posting. I would've freaked BIG TIME. Shocked

And I just got back from Whitwater Rafting. ( :P )
Good! I was gone for a week at summer camp in Georgia and I returned yesterday to find that this site was down. Im glad it wasn't my computer.
Ah, I was wondering about that. All the other sites I tried worked so I wasn't so sure about it.
Heh, according to Marie, the IRC server started immediately.    However, Logbot still hasn't reconnected >_<.
Samus Lauren
Hm, I must not have been on then(painting), so i didnt even notice that the site was down. Ah well, at least its back up and doing fine.
yeah, i have no idea what the problem with logbot is. i would ask my parents to reset it for me, but they won't even answer my urgent emails about where to meet them at the airport when i come back, so i'm not really going to hope they'll reset an irc bot for me. lol.
I think that it had a number of times to try to reconnect, and when it didn't, the client was like 'pfft, whatever' and stopped trying.