Despite what it may seem, the simplicity of this picture is dues to the style I chose to draw it in, and not at all due to any lack of artistic skill on my part. <_< >_>
Makes me want a Metroid-like plushie that's made of some kind of gel substance (not really plushie at all is it o_o) XD It'd be a bit slimey and gross :D I'd stick it to peoples' heads.
Did you draw that in Flash? Just curious really. It looks like all my creations in Flash is all :P
Makes me want a Metroid-like plushie that's made of some kind of gel substance (not really plushie at all is it o_o) XD It'd be a bit slimey and gross :D I'd stick it to peoples' heads.
That's great... I can imagine myself running around with some metroid slimeys and making them 'attack' random people while doing the metroid sound... <_< >_>
A little homage because the thing's so damn cute. Hope you don't mind :) Not the best I know, but I'm no image expert, just dropped it in Flash and cut it apart.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Actually, I drew it in MS Paint. All the lines were done freehand with the brush tool, then edited to not look horrible with a mixture of the brush and pencil tools. The colours are also all chosen from the default pallet, which is why the green may be a little off (although I thought it matched what I wanted pretty well). Fortunatly, it seems no-ones noticed the huge shortcut I took by only drawing half of it then flipping it.
Sarah: Nice animation! It actually looks cuter when it's animated. Now I want I plushie metroid too!
the 3 circles seem far too close together for me, making for too much empty space.
If you check your sig pic, you'll see the size and position of the circles are fairly accurate. The problem is there should be the red tendrils filling the space, but they wouldn't work with this art style so I left them out. Also, in the name of accuracy I should have filled the gap under the circles red, but tht didn't look good so I left it green. I'll try moving the circles, but I don't think it will look that good.
yeah, your right, i don't think moving them would look that good either. maybe a slight size adjustment is all that it needs, but theres just far too much empty space for some reason.