I was looking through the boss tricks in the fusion section and realized theres a faster way of doing this thats not too hard either. I'll try to get a vid.
hmm, there are already some boss videos under "boss tricks" though. and that ajbolt89 ridley fight in /0.
I'm only suggesting that there be a -separate- section in each game section for a video for -each- of the bosses that demonstrates the best boss battle.
sounds like it would fall under "watch the runs". unless there are these insane boss battles that no one has ever gotten or ever will get in a run or something.
My only thought is that it would be a nice quick reference for those who would want the best way to beat a boss -without- going through the runs. Just a quick, easy reference.
i mean, it's a good idea, but i think that it's a slippery slope. why not put the fastest method through every room up on the site then? it's something kip and i agreed should not be done because of how much it clogs up the site with stuff duplicated in runs. speed stuff in general seems better suited to sda than m2k2.