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Lief: 2009-02-19 08:18:31 am
The Creator
I decided to write a poem one day, so here it is:

Far inside the forest deep
There lived an ancient tree
Gnarled, twisted, hard as bone,
Old as a century

Far beneath the gnarled tree
Shining like great gold
A blooming field of flowers
Only a fortnight old

When people came, from far and wide,
Strolling past the knightly tree
Every living eye was turned
To gaze at the lilies

When winter came, the giant freeze,
The tree was unconcerned
It simply sat there, growing older,
With endurance it had learned

The frail lilies, so newly born,
Were gravely unprepared
Withering, crumbling, almost dead
So badly did they fare

The lesson of this story,
The moral that it lifts:
Focus not on beauty,
But on your other gifts.

Tell me your thoughts on it!
Thread title: 
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Not a bad poem, but I think that there were some minor timing / wording issues.

However, I did very much like the story. Very Happy (Apart from the moral part, I just liked to read about the flowers and tree)
I like it. 
The Creator
Thankya guys!

Keep in mind that I made this on the bus. This is the unedited version (although I'm probably too lazy to revise it). 
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
It's pretty good. I agree on quietus' points, though I understand in such short time the rhythm tends to be less consistent.