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Just a minute ago, I realized something about my life and M2K2.  I had just finished playing a bit of Echoes when I went to the computer, looked at my desktop pattern (3-D morph ball by DJGrenola, look in "The Arts") opened this forum in Safari and started playing the Super Mario World soundtrack by Xoc (see "The Arts", again). Stuff from M2k2 is taking over my life!  Besides Nate, is this happening to anyone else?
Thread title: 
lol. something from m2k2 has taken over my life, but it's not the site.

like how you considered me first, though. that was really nice. thanks. :)
red chamber dream
Quote from njahnke:
lol. something from m2k2 has taken over my life, but it's not the site.

Is it TRH? ;)

Anyway, this site and forum has taken up a great deal of time in my life, which is fine, since I had a great deal to spare. I enjoy moderating and talking to people immensly.
Quote from Arkarian:
Is it TRH? ;)

Yeah… What is the meaning of your new "rank" anyway?
red chamber dream
I think I can answer that. Love. Pure, wholesome love for the god-like, perfect, angelic TRH. In Nate's eyes, at least.
*backs away slowly*

Is Nate gay now?

*runs like hell*
red chamber dream
Lmao, no, he's definitely not.
M2k2 is taking over my life...THIS IS LIKE THE 10th TIME I'VE COME TO THE FORUMS TODAY!!! Shocked
Oookay, then what is with the love for TRH?  Is…No…but…no…if…never mind.  Did TRH do something really interesting or amazing?
Know anybody else with a 4:29 escape?  Laughing
No, as a matter of fact, but a 4:29 escape is a strange thing to "<3" a person about.  Yes, I can see a hardcore Metroid fan in that position, but… never mind.
red chamber dream
Quote from Electrometer Prime:
M2k2 is taking over my life...THIS IS LIKE THE 10th TIME I'VE COME TO THE FORUMS TODAY!!! Shocked

Lol, I am usually continually on the forums for over twelve hours each day.
I'd say I'm here for about 3-4 hours total, maybe 6 if I have nothing else to do.  On some days, I'll be here all day.  You'll know because I'll have posted in every reasonably new thread over 5 times.
Quote from USBCD36:
Quote from Arkarian:
Is it TRH? ;)

Yeah… What is the meaning of your new "rank" anyway?

Quote from njahnke:
Quote from Snytbaggen:
"snytbagge" is a swedish name for a bug

Quote from TRH:
3 capital letters is hawt. >_>

<3 <3 <3

found here.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Quote from USBCD36:
*backs away slowly*

Is Nate gay now?

Too many fangirls to count
I might consider sigging that. *quickly runs to profile*
A Metroid 2002 day would be cool, but when would it be? We'll have to arrange that.
everybody knows it's true
M2K2 is my life. Except when I'm on vacations(which was the last four days, for you peoples who missed me soo much. Were there any?). That's when I think of this forum and how much I love it here. Someday soon I shall become more active than Ark.
red chamber dream
Good luck. ;)
I'd love to see that happen :P
Meh. I'll be lucky to ever make it to 5000. but good luck Mr. Aran :P
red chamber dream
Mr. Aran, I deleted your last post, since it's basically spam. This is a warning now...we don't need crap posts that are completely capitalized, with lots of exclamation marks (or just a single smiley).
Too many fangirls to count
Ark is always on when I am... it is freaky... you will never defeat ark... Ark cannot be beat... but it is a freaking message board... so who freaking cares... ? >.> <.< *slaps Mr Aran* This place is your life? What about the games it is about? Or normal life maybe? You should get one of themz.
red chamber dream
And that's borderline flaming, there, Klefmung. You don't need to insult other members.
Should my second post be deleted, cause it looks as if I double posted and it sorta replied to Mr. Arans spam post.