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Thought I'd make a thread for everyone to share what they've learnt about Zero Mission and how they connect to Super Metroid.

The most obvious one is where you start. The Morph Ball is in the EXACT same location as before.

From your ship the path to Brinstar is identical in both games, except Zero Mission has no eleveator, you ballspark up it. Differences are that there is no rocks blocking the path.

The room near where you start that has a block taking up most of the room and you must roll under it, the one that has an energy tank near the ceiling. This also exists in Super Metroid.

After beating Mother Brain, this room and the escape path is identical to the destroyed Tourian room in Super Metroid. There's even an item in the same place! (under Mother's tank)

Crateria, the watery bit in the lower right that has fishies is also in Super Metroid. They BOTH have an item in the lower left corner (I think) and they BOTH give access to a spaceship! In Super Metroid it's the Ghost Ship, in Zero Mission it's the Pirate Mothership. I think they're the same ship. Of course the Mothership has been trashed over time and isn't quite the same.

Both Zero Mission and Super Metroid have the "power bomb the glass path to shatter it" in ZM it's in the Pirate ship, in Super it's an entrance to Maridia.

In Norfair there is an area where the walls are made up of graan bubbles. Super Metroid also has an area of Norfair with green bubbles. This is more of a terrain similarity though.
Thread title: 
*manly poses*
Not to mention in the Space Pirate Mothership  there's a Save and a Map room together. So it Looks like this:

u   e
p   t
e   r
r   o
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from skynes:
The most obvious one is where you start. The Morph Ball is in the EXACT same location as before.

The room near where you start that has a block taking up most of the room and you must roll under it, the one that has an energy tank near the ceiling. This also exists in Super Metroid.

After beating Mother Brain, this room and the escape path is identical to the destroyed Tourian room in Super Metroid.

In both games, these are taken from the original Metroid.

Quote from Megaa:
Not to mention in the Space Pirate Mothership  there's a Save and a Map room together. So it Looks like this:

u   e
p   t
e   r
r   o

And that's REEEEALY stretching it.
*manly poses*
Toozin: So? >_>;
I still think the Ghost Ship is different from the Mother Ship.  If they wanted to make them the same, I think they woulda put Phantoon in there somewhere.  Also, parts of Maridia have a- the glass tube and b- a purple metallic feel.  Just my thoughts.

Also, in ZM you can see the bottoms of the grapple hook things you use to get to the Ghost Ship in SM.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Quote from skynes:
I think they're the same ship. Of course the Mothership has been trashed over time and isn't quite the same.

The only problem here is that....  the Wrecked Ship is already there in Zero Mission.  If you remember correctly, there is a mechanical looking area between Crateria and the Chozo Ruins made of green metals.  It's also in the exact same place as the Wrecked Ship is in Super.  It can't be just a different colored section of the Mother Ship since (A) it's already wrecked (though not haunted yet), and (B) the Chozo Ruins seperates this area from the MS.  Basically, the Wrecked Ship is older than ZM.

I have a theory of what just happened to the Mother Ship, however--I believe Maridia is the Mother Ship.  Basically, according to my theory, the ground that the Mother Ship rested on was fairly thin and covered a huge underground reservoir.  When the ship self-destructed, the ground it sat on was weakened and it gradually collapsed, dumping the remains of the mother ship and a huge bunch of rocks and the like into the reservoir, creating Maridia.  If you remember, a rather large section of Maridia was covered in a purple metal, the same shade as used in the Space Pirate Mother Ship.

Does anyone else think my theory holds.....  uh.....  water?

(sorry for the horrible pun)
One shall stand, one shall ball.
That's an interesting theory, having never played SM I don't know what Maridia looks like, but the way you decribe it makes sense.
*manly poses*
It seems to make sense, as I believe there's electricity nodes in Draygon's room, too.
I don't think I've ever beat Draygon the non-cheap way.  The first time my friend told me about it.
I think there should be more accurate to compare Zero Mission with the original metroid.  The maps are nearly identical in the original structure, but zero mission added quite a few little secrets and sections here and there.

Not to mention the amount of rooms that are the same thing, just modified to look better.  (and be far easier, honestly).

a lot of people say they changed the game too much for this remake, or that it doesn't compare to the original at all.  They just haven't looked at them.  Its *VERY* possible to navigate the original metroid using Zero Mission as a map for it, as the large majority of upgrades are in the same spot, and even many of the rooms are the same.

I can understand that the wrecked ship explosion caused a crater, thats why theres the huge lake in SM, and then that part of the wrecked ship collapsed down into maridia... They do look AMAZINGLY similar.  however, the games(metroid III and ZM) take place in very different regions of zebes.. which makes it very difficult to compare.

The space pirates wouldn't have even had to rebuild marida much, which makes me wonder if theyre going to do anything to the wrecked frigate if prime 2 ends up going back to tallon....
*manly poses*
Quote from Syl:
however, the games(metroid III and ZM) take place in very different regions of zebes.. which makes it very difficult to compare.

But don't ZM + SM share most of the areas? (Brinstar, Crateria, Norfair)
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Yes, but Zebes IS 3 dimensional.
Fool, who told you that?  Tallon IV is the only 3d area in the Metroid universe, everyone knows that.
SM and ZM maps are almost identical. MANY of their areas are exactly the same, main difference is time. Also with all the self-destructing going on it's really damaged the planet.

The reason I thought the Mothership was the ghost ship is the little robots. They're in both ships! Also if you follow the room count between where Samus ship lands (same place in both games) to where the Ghost Ship is, it's the same spot the mothship is in. There are two doors there that have access to the mothership from crateria, also there's (at least) 2 doors to get into the ghost ship.
The reason I thought the Mothership was the ghost ship is the little robots. They're in both ships! Also if you follow the room count between where Samus ship lands (same place in both games) to where the Ghost Ship is, it's the same spot the mothship is in. There are two doors there that have access to the mothership from crateria, also there's (at least) 2 doors to get into the ghost ship.

The only problem, is that though they are in about the same position, the actual layout is nothing alike. I see no part of the Wrecked Ship in the Mother Ship. I like the Maridia idea a lot, and it would make sense, considering the Mochtroids in Maridia, saying that the Pirates were working on cloning metroids at the time.
I think (thanks to those little walker-bots) that Nintendo wanted the mothership to be the wrecked ship, but... nowdays, our logic seems better than theirs. Once again, I don't care if we get an official explanation, I'll keep figuring out my own theories. Right now, the Maridia thing seems the most logical to me... Now, I'm off to explore SM a bit. I'll take some screenshots of Maridia if anyone's interested.

[edit] Okay, the truth is, I don't care if no one's interested. I like doing monotone stuff, for the sake of doing it. Taking, converting and uploading screenshots is very monotone. I like it. [/edit]

Ah, Maridia. Here's the lower, natural parts. Look, a Fusion fishy!

Here's where things start getting interesting. A vertical shaft with metal bars, and the area above it. How did the metal room get below the sand room?

More sand. Looks quite possible that something big could, or HAVE sunken through here... And to the right: Mochtroids!

Spikes, bricks, bubbles and metal... oh, and mochtroids. The bricks in the background, sadly, looks more like the remains of a Chozo village, like the temples in lower Norfair... But the metal doesn't quite fit.

No cigar to anyone who can guess who lives in here. Sorry I didn't take any screens of the floor, but it's just regular sand anyway. THIS place DEFINITLY doesn't fit in with the rest of the area... First time I played, I said to myself, "ah, a sunken cargo bay of some sort"... I mean, why else would there be boxes floating around? Looks a bit high-tech to be Chozo... and a bit.. abandoned to be a recent space pirate facility. The thing I'm standing on in the left shot looks a bit like something that once used to live, doesn't it...?
SM and ZM maps are almost identical. MANY of their areas are exactly the same, main difference is time. Also with all the self-destructing going on it's really damaged the planet.

almost identical?

with the exception of the surface and the first room (to the left) NOTHING really falls into a similar place in the map.  Kraid in SM is about 1/10th the size, Norfair is completly, 100% different, Ridley (lower norfair) is only similar in the background of where ridley is.
Oh, and wrecked tourian is the same, but aside from those small area's near the surface, nothing is similar.

Please, show me some simililarities, they quite simply DON'T EXIST.
Since Zero Mission and the first Metroid are actually the same thing... or... something... Let's compare the first game to Super!

Metroid: http://www.neshq.com/games/m/metroid/metroidmap.gif

Super Metroid: http://www.metroid-base.com/Kartei/m3map2.gif

Turns out, where Kraid's hideout used to be, is now an inaccessable area under one of the hidden upgrades (missile I think?)

And where Ridley's hideout used to be... it seems that's Kraid's place now... Or upper Norfair/lower Maridia.

I'd compare to Zero Mission as well, but I lack a map.
Right click Arrow Save target as, since GameFAQs blocked remote linkage.