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my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i think they'll go more into detail on these new elements over time. the catch here is that most of this is supposed to be lost in time since a lot of time passes between each game so, unless the goddesses themselves come to the land, zelda/link/ganon start remembering their past lives or Fi is reawakened (since she's technically still inside the MS in all the games where the MS shows up), there won't be much to say about their origin. imo, it would become just going in circles if they try to explain with too much detail the origin so i like to think as the battle between hylia and demise as the start of the struggle in the land of gods and then that struggle taken to the world of the mortals, where it would keep going for a long ass time.

establishing the sacred realm as a place to hide the triforce makes sense since at teh end of SS, it just stayed there and anyone could use it to make a wish. luckily for them, it still didn't have the habit of splitting itself on contact (maybe this happens once a wish has been granted)

Groose calling the land Grooseland is like the only option since the main characters never bothered to name it Hyrule in the game. looks like this won't go away lol. for a second i thought he was going to seriously name it but then it was pure comedy.
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kesvalk: 2011-11-25 07:50:17 am
Indie Lover
groose IS the best character in the game, and i very much support a spin off named legend of groose... it would be awesome...
where do i get tumbleweed from? i found one in a chest in the desert, and fi then told me i could catch the roaming things with a big net, but for a big net i need 3 or so of them and haven't seen one since then.
apparently just the net is enough? oh man
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ryu: 2011-11-25 05:28:55 pm
so what exactrly is up with hero mode. do i get it right that when you beat the game it automatically asks you if you want to start a hero mode file and will then overwrite the previous safe data?

i've still got some way to go, but i'd like to know in advance so i know to copy my game before i get to the end.

fifth boss was pretty cool with the setting, but didn't even damage me once.
Unfortunately that's the case, which is why I didn't start Hero Mode yet since I wanted to run around and do a bunch of stuff I skipped first.

And I am seriously the only one who had trouble with Tentalus? She/it kept killing me in the first stage because I couldn't get the tentacles down to make her emerge without getting swarmed by them. I ended up dying at least 3-4 times before I eventually got fast enough using the quick draw (where you hold C) with the bow to charge arrows and take them out in one shot while dodging them all. I've heard you could use Skyward Strikes or something to take them out too but I've never had any success with that which is why I was using the bow in the first place.
that sound's awful. yeah you have to use the skyward strike, because you can charge it while running around. the tentacles will hardly grab you that way and you can slash them down pretty quickly.
I kinda like my way of doing it now that I've gotten the hang of moving around with the bow drawn, and the game seems to encourage it in a way since each time I took out a tentacle with the bow an arrow drop appeared so I was never running out. But for some reason, anytime I'd hit them with a Skyward Strike, Tent seemed to shrug them off and the tentacles wouldn't be cut in two like the ones in the leadup to the main battle when you're running through the ship. (Could be because you'd probably have to hit them with a horizontal SS and sadly enough I never realized I could shoot them any other way than vertically until the final boss of all places!) Because of that it made me think I was doing it wrong despite Fi telling me that's what would work against them.

One fully charged arrow cuts them in half whenever I do it and then after about 4-5 of them are taken down the body appears a few seconds later so I can shoot at the eye. I'm assuming it's the same with SS?
Yeah, the horizontal and diagonal cuts do the same thing, but easier.
anybody shot at the eye with the normal bow? i had the bow upgraded to level 3 when i fought the boss and wonder if he'd take a little more hits with the normal bow equipped.
I only ever had the normal bow until after the final boss. I knocked it down in one shot and then ran in and slashed the eye. I had to do that whole cycle three times before I had to run up the box to the top of the ship.

And wait... you were able to upgrade the bow immediately to level three before you even finished the dungeon you found it in? Wow.
how many bottles are in this game?
i'm in the sixth dungeon and still stuck with just 3. with another one i could take 2 stama potions with me, that would be rad.
Edit history:
Ntsc: 2011-11-26 03:43:21 pm
Ntsc: 2011-11-26 03:41:47 pm
Ntsc: 2011-11-26 03:39:40 pm
Ntsc: 2011-11-26 03:37:48 pm
Ntsc: 2011-11-26 03:37:11 pm
Quote from ryu:
how many bottles are in this game?

Oops sorry missread your post because I'm blind.
Anyway there are 4 bottles.
1 from the potion lady that is free.
1 from inside the sacred temple which is also free.
1 from the boy and his sister quest (Triggered after beating first temple).

1 from a goddess chest near the end of the game (3/4ths way into game).
It believe the cube is the cube inside of the top of the volcano the one that sits on an little island that you have to use a moving lava platform to hit or it is the cube that you can find JUST before the lava temple (big frog water head opens it). Turn left when facing the frog head and climb out the window).
The chest is located in the thunderdome, you have to have the full dig underground mitts to get to it which you get in the lava temple.

Sorry for so many edits. I just wanted to add more info about how to get all the bottles.
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UchihaSasuke: 2011-11-26 05:10:45 pm
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
my memory must be horrible because, for some reason, i remember getting bottle #4 in dungeon 6...

also, i learned skyward strikes could be used horizontally during the tentalus fight. at first i was failing to do anything with the vertical ones and then i accidentally used a diagonal one which slashed a tentacle. after that, it was quite easy. the only part that caught me by surprise was when his hair started turning into snakes.
>>1 from a goddess chest near the end of the game (3/4ths way into game).
It believe the cube is the cube inside of the top of the volcano the one that sits on an little island that you have to use a moving lava platform to hit

that's got to be it, because i've gotten the other cube already. thanks
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Ntsc: 2011-11-27 02:50:47 pm
Ntsc: 2011-11-27 02:50:05 pm
This game seems to be designed against sequence breaking even with such abusive cheats like Right DPad to Levitate. For example:
When I first landed in Lanru Desert I took the back way to the Desert Dragon's Trials (normally requires hookshot).
First off the goron blocking the tunnel isn't there. He isn't even in the room which is weird.
When I got to Lanru Gorge you normally have to use the beetle (which I did have, just didn't have the pincher attachment yet) to get a key that is on a ledge way out in the middle of an abyss but the key isn't there.

It is just kind of strange because there is no way to normally get there out of sequence so why would nintendo go through the effort to prevent it.
Didn't they do similar things with Other M though? Like Ridley not appearing in his room if you get to him early or something like that?

They've gotten really paranoid these days with sequence breaking, and I guess we have a hand in that if you think about it.
Sigh, if that is true then I guess I won't ever play Other M again. Dammit Nintendo. Do you know how many additional hours I've spent in the Prime games because of this website...
right d-pad to levitate? how exactly does that work?

regarding your story about lanayru desert, i gotta comment that i smiled when i got into that 4-way split room. everything about it seemed like it was especially designed to stop sequence breaking players lol. like gotta need the hookshot to get up the ledge, gotta have triggered a certain variable to have the goron show up etc.

just finished the sixth dungeon. i think ghirahim will be a royal pain on my upcoming 6 hearts run, that second battle was pretty hard.
got my fourth bottle from a chest inside the dungeon, so that makes me wonder, are goddess cube items randomized? because i couldn't have gotten my third bottle from the cubes that ntsc mentioned.

also what's with the area on the right inside of the volcano, what looks like a broken bridge with a goddess cube on a small stone to the right of it. can i get there now or do i need to advance in the story? i looked around and couldn't find a way of getting there yet.
Right D-Pad is actually pretty frustrating because it is hard to sprint while hitting it. Also unlike previous zelda games there is no air control. You continue to move in the direction you were facing when you began levitating. Some other oddities about DPad to Levitate is how you can't always levitate. Like when you are on stairs the game like snaps you to the stairs. Also once you've touched a grabbable ledge you must let link climb it because of no air control. I actually died during a silent realm because of it. You just have to see it to understand.

Regarding your hidden comment:
I must be wrong about which goddess cube it was. I know it isn't randomized though because the cubes on the ground definitely correspond to exactly 1 chest in the air. I've used Levitate to get cubes that are far later in the game so I know this is true. There is another cube you can get near the lava temple which might be it (near the water fall where you get the water for the small frog mouths).

Oddly enough some goddess cubes also fall into the "anti-sequence-breaking" where you cannot hit them until a certain event is triggered. The goddess cube ontop of the ledge by the deku tree is one of them. You cannot hit it until after you talk to the gornon about goddess cubes but you CAN hit it before you get the hookshot (I did this without cheats by jumping off the deku tree at just the right spot).

That goddess cube with the broken bridge you mention is another one. You cannot hit it with the skyward strike until the floating platforms are there later in the game. Once you do trigger the floating platforms you can actually stand on the shore and hit it with a skyward strike because they actually travel pretty far.

Ghiraham is actually pretty easy even his final form. Just make sure to equip a shield and always keep it out when you are not attacking you literally won't take any damage unless you forget to do the upwards and sideways spin attacks. Just don't let it break.

where do i get these seedlings/saplings groose is asking me to get? i guess it's optional and something i could've gotten much earlier, but yeah, dunno where to look.

i felt it was hard even hitting ghirahim in his second form. i often did the movement to strike his weak spots but he still parried and contered.
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Ntsc: 2011-11-27 05:44:25 pm
Quote from ryu:
where do i get these seedlings/saplings groose is asking me to get? i guess it's optional and something i could've gotten much earlier, but yeah, dunno where to look.

i felt it was hard even hitting ghirahim in his second form. i often did the movement to strike his weak spots but he still parried and contered.

It is part of the main story line. You'll figure it out later in the game.

The trick to ghirahim in all forms...
during the defense (first) stage is first start off with the sword facing left so he puts his hand left, slowly move it right so his guard is the wrong way, and then slash like crazy. When he has the daggers floating follow the same technique but avoid hitting the daggers. So if he has the daggers top and bottom, start left, move right, swing left. It is actually stupidly easy once you figure that part out. The sword phases can be defeated by practically standing still, waiting for him to attack, countering, and slashing the shit out of him.

Edit: oh if anyone has a method for fighting final Gihram without a shield let me know. It seems impossible due to the fight mechanics.
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TheOthin: 2011-11-27 06:17:24 pm
Quote from Ntsc:
Edit: oh if anyone has a method for fighting final Gihram without a shield let me know. It seems impossible due to the fight mechanics.

It's definitely possible; I also thought I was screwed when I lost my shield against him, but I was able to beat both his second and third phases without it. Unfortunately, I can't remember the details too well, but I think it involved parrying with my sword instead and breaking his sword in the second phase somehow. You can also reflect his fire Skyward Strikes to stun him, but keep in mind that he might knock them right back at you. The Skyward Strikes definitely weren't necessary most of the time, though; I'm not even sure if he uses them in both the second and third forms.

Hopefully some part of this is helpful.
About all that anti-SBing they've done:

Maybe they make all these things in fear someone will find something that allows them to reach areas early.

But, really, I don't see much point in that. If someone finds something, will it really ruin anything? I don't think it's too negative advertisement, really.
Edit history:
UchihaSasuke: 2011-11-28 06:29:51 am
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from ryu:
right d-pad to levitate? how exactly does that work?

regarding your story about lanayru desert, i gotta comment that i smiled when i got into that 4-way split room. everything about it seemed like it was especially designed to stop sequence breaking players lol. like gotta need the hookshot to get up the ledge, gotta have triggered a certain variable to have the goron show up etc.

just finished the sixth dungeon. i think ghirahim will be a royal pain on my upcoming 6 hearts run, that second battle was pretty hard.
got my fourth bottle from a chest inside the dungeon, so that makes me wonder, are goddess cube items randomized? because i couldn't have gotten my third bottle from the cubes that ntsc mentioned.

also what's with the area on the right inside of the volcano, what looks like a broken bridge with a goddess cube on a small stone to the right of it. can i get there now or do i need to advance in the story? i looked around and couldn't find a way of getting there yet.

i knew i wasn't crazy about that bottle. it looks like bottle #4 doesn't have a set location.