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Can anybody help me in Level 2 Area 2. Im like stuck right after you git that jumping thang what do u do?
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Ready and willing.
Holy poop, it's out? *checks* Can't believe I missed that. And I have a built-in brother to play with too....
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from Yoshi348:
Holy poop, it's out? *checks* Can't believe I missed that. And I have a built-in brother to play with too....

Built into your Gamecube? Where did you get that installed?
Quote from Toozin:
Built into your Gamecube? Where did you get that installed?

And how much does it cost? I need one...
Maybe he's a Siamese twin.
If anyone makes a joke from Stuck on You, I will kill them.
Ready and willing.
Meanwhile, to actually answer the question asked... am I to understand that you just got the Roc's Feather? After that, go in the tall skinny house north of where you entered the town.
Quote from MetalRidley:
If anyone makes a joke from Stuck on You, I will kill them.

Resized:If anyone makes a joke from Stuck on You, I will kill them.
I really have to get this game...I mean my avatar is from it!
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I just got this game after some debate on whether or not to do so. I tell you, it is worth it. Unlike any other Zelda out there (except Four Swords  :P) but still a great little romp. Lots of throwbacks to LttP, which is awesome. Haven't had a chance to check out the multiplayer, but the single player is pretty worthwhile. I can see that multi would be aweome.
Well if it wasn't, the whole game's purpose would be screwed up.
RAIN! RAIN! PLEASE RAIN! I need the grass to grow so I can Mow it so I can earn money for the game!
Ready and willing.
Quote from Electrometer Prime:
RAIN! RAIN! PLEASE RAIN! I need the grass to grow so I can Mow it so I can earn money for the game![/spoiler]


Oh, and multiplayer kicks serious ass. Single player's fairly cool, but kinda easy. Multiplayer blows it out of the water.
That game is awesome
Quote from chinchillax13514:
I really have to get this game...I mean my avatar is from it!

I hear that! :o