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As of now, i am not entirely sure what to think, the screens in NP look good, but it is more of the story that i am worried about.  Anyone have any thoughts?
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lvl 28 Magic Leper
I hope to god that the story is just a training simulation because if it isn't.... (Heh this is my first post in Hunters.)
Armor Guardian
Quote from Vertigo:
I hope to god that the story is just a training simulation because if it isn't.... (Heh this is my first post in Hunters.)

I agree with you. If NST (I think that's what the development studio is called) adds any stupid plot twist like "Oh noes, the  training simulation merged with the real world and only you can stop it Samus" I will go into shock.
sorry for my ignorance, but what IS the story?

I dont really know much about this thing, because I heard it's pure FPS (reason why I didnt care to find out in the first place  :P )
Armor Guardian
The story is something like the following: Samus has been accepted into a bounty hunter tournament and she is doing holographic training to increase her skills in preperation for the tournament.

Yep that's it.
red chamber dream
That can't be the real story. All the enemies are holograms. There's no real Metroids. What kind of a game is that?
Armor Guardian
As far as I know that's the story.
lvl 28 Magic Leper
Quote from Arkarian:
That can't be the real story. All the enemies are holograms. There's no real Metroids. What kind of a game is that?

An online Metroid game. I hope it says as a training simulation the only other story that Nintendo could come up with, without destroying Fusion is that they are all evil clones of Samus. Out of the two I choose simulation.
red chamber dream
Yeah, if it's going to be mass-multiplayer online game with a story, then it would have to be a simulation. But they should have made the single-player mode something totally different.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Metroid Prime Hunters has been bothering me ever since it was announced...
lol no way
Me too actually, I wouldn't even care if it actually had a single player mode... that didn't suck, I mean. Although I guess I don't see why Nintendo can't just make a new 2d metroid game. Bah.
red chamber dream
I just read in the sheet that came with Echoes that the single mode for Hunters will begin as a training simulation against holograms, but it will eventually turn into an adventure "unlike no else," or something like that.
i hope they refrain from printing something like "unlike no else."
red chamber dream
It says exactly

"In the single-player game, take on holograms in training missions to prepare yourself...then embark on an adventure unlike anything Samus has ever experienced!"

That's in the little insert that came with the game, you know, where the instruction booklet is and all that other jazz.
I don't know why everybody cares so much about if it's a hologram story or not.  as long as the gameplay's good, I will like it just as much as any other metroid game.  I forget who said it, and am too lazy to look, but someone said that there are no real metroids, just the fake ones.  I desagree.  There are metroids; they are the slightly bigger metroids that take a ton of power beam, or 2 missile, shots.  You know, the ones that latch on to your face, forcing you into morphball mode to bomb them off.  Those are real (holographic) metroids.
red chamber dream
I said that, but to me, if it's a hologram, it's NOT a Metroid. There's no Metroid DNA in it, sorry. And you can't create a story around holographic Metroids. Space Pirates can't experiment on them, and they can't really be used for anything (like in the other Metroid games), except to do battle with.

But like I said, I think the stroy mode WILL contain real enemies, like Metroids. And the hologram training will be in the beginning of the game, and will be just that: training.