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Too many fangirls to count
Would it be a good idea to speedrun LOZ: Majora's Mask? It seems like a good idea.
beating it without ever having to go back in time using the song of time exept for the mandatory one?
I want to know your opinions.
Thread title: 
red chamber dream
I think it's a good idea, because I speedrun it all the time. I'm sure that you can't beat it without the clock running out though. I would be willing to speedrun it, because it's my favourite game of all time.

It just took me rather a while to come up with how to post that, since I couldn't get the <a href... tag to work.  Is that disabled here?  I remember having a problem with it before but not whether I got around it with [url] or not.
Too many fangirls to count
Definetly cool.
red chamber dream
You know, I seriously think I can beat 4.3 hours. I'll practice now and give it a go tomorrow.
Quote from Chanoire:

It just took me rather a while to come up with how to post that, since I couldn't get the <a href... tag to work.  Is that disabled here?  I remember having a problem with it before but not whether I got around it with [url] or not.

I asked the same question here while trying to do the exact same thing.  Turns out HTML is disabled, but there's decent BBCode alternative (well, it works anyway) mentioned in the thread.
Ready and willing.
<h2><b><i><font face="Comic Sans, Geneva, Helvetica, fantasy" color="#aaaaaa">Pika!</font></i></b></h2>

What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Off topic:
I doubt very many other people have watched those Chameleon Twist speedruns.

Still off topic, but getting there:
I once thought of speed running Wind Waker, but then I slapped myself in the face for thinking of doing something that stupid.

On topic:
Majora's Mask!  Rawr!
Quote from Chanoire:

It just took me rather a while to come up with how to post that, since I couldn't get the <a href... tag to work.  Is that disabled here?  I remember having a problem with it before but not whether I got around it with [url] or not.

[url=http://your.dot.com/here]URL Text to be shown on the post[/url]
Yeah, I finally remembered that, I was just too fed up to do it with any additional text by then, as my comment was starting to look really dumb during the type-preview-drat process.  For some reason I just have no patience with BBCode beyond italics and quote tags, and never think to use the buttons or even hover over them to see the usage and shortcuts -- which I never noticed before now.  I am not winning any awards for observation here. Rolling Eyes
Quote from GreenMamba:
Off topic:
I doubt very many other people have watched those Chameleon Twist speedruns.

I think I'm going to download them. Chameleon Twist wasn't a bad game at all. Too freakin' easy, yes, but it was not bad.
red chamber dream
Back on the topic of Majora's Mask, I tried it once and got 4:45. I screwed up a lot...guess I'll need to practice more.
Too many fangirls to count
I'd like to see a single-segment (any time...) MM run.

Quote from GreenMamba:
On topic:
Majora's Mask! Rawr!
:|  Shocked
red chamber dream
Mine are all single segment. I don't currently have a way to record, but hopefully I'll be getting equipment sooner or later. It's a bit tiresome to watch a four+ hours video though, it's nothing like watching kip run Prime in and hour and a half.
Too many fangirls to count
I have nothing more than spare time...