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In making a hack where istead of getting the varia and gravity suit upgrades, you start with the varia suit and up grade to the Dark and Light suits from mp2, i was making the Sprite Sheets. but i wanted to know if anyone was intressted or if I should abandon the whole idea.

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Green-Kirby, ROAR!
I would properly use them when I get back into SM hacking. Is the sprite sheets done?
Cause if so I want to permanent add to my super metroid rom. ;P

You properly know this if you already started that the sprite sheets are all weird done for samus. But I hope you get this done. (Seriously we need more gfx hacks to SM)
im half done with the light suit sheet, what do you mean the sheets are weird?
I would assume the that sprite sheets are in pieces. So you would have to animate Samus' left arm as a seperate sprite from her torso, which is seperate from her legs, etc.
Here's what i have done so far. "It's NOT half"

Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I keep thinking the morph balls are radio buttons and I keep trying to select one. >_<
so is no one going to use these?
Super Metroid really doesn't rely its graphic system on full sprites like that.
Samus has a separate arms, hands, feet, bodies, helmets, all different sprites, and layered by the game's assembly commands to look like a full sprite. Besides, Samus doesn't have three different sprite sets for Power, Varia and Gravity; Gravity suit is a palette swap of Varia with only minor differences.
So in other words, with those sprites, it wouldn't work :<
Quote from JaggerG:
I keep thinking the morph balls are radio buttons and I keep trying to select one. >_<

Annoying, isn't it? :)
so could anyone do this with SMILE?
Eschews avatars
With those sheets, sadly, no. As Raccoon Sam said, the game uses a number of sprites for various parts of Samus all of which draw on separate palette files. If you can find out all of these sprites, you could get it to work. Give that a shot; it does look like you've put some effort into those.
Off topic, nice work on the suits, esepcially the dark suit.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from ducknerd:
With those sheets, sadly, no. As Raccoon Sam said, the game uses a number of sprites for various parts of Samus all of which draw on separate palette files. If you can find out all of these sprites, you could get it to work. Give that a shot; it does look like you've put some effort into those.

Actually the whole suit use the same pallet file. :P
And you could properly have 3 difrent suits if you want all you need to do is to re program the games code so it draw GFX from other areas in the ROM in difrent suits... And no I don't know how to do that.

Also I don't think you understood what I was talking about in my last post....So I let this picture speak for me.

Yep all parts of samus suit inside the rom. In this pic all parts are using the power suit pallet....But that's beside the point.
I won't blame you if you quit now. But I want to see some suit work to be done to super metroid  Wink