Lol.... I couldn't do any better... In fact, I think I'm gonna try and do better, see ya in... as soon as I figure it's good enough to be drawn by me =p
Here we go!!! Pretty... Ugly
Thats Samus^ Kraid^
Comic... Funny huh... That one was done in about 3 minutes
Because I mean... Unless you haven't read the title it's called worst metroid pic ever... And if you're talking about mine... Yo ugotta be kidding me... That is Bad! Of course, it IS better than what I normally draw... And I thought everyone drew on mspaint...
Argh, what a horrible picture. You can definatly tell how stupid Samus looks. The metroid isn't even frozen yet. You think she would have learned by now. How embarrassing.
Could you please explain what that diagonal line is, though? It goes from her legs to her arm. Is it supposed to be a knee-blade thingie, and is just too big?
You know what, don't answer that. It's a knee blade. That's what it is. Now please remove it.
... Mine is Samus holding her gun with her one hand... charging for a long time in a dramatic sequence... shooting out a tiny bullet which destroys the space pirate And i got another one!!! this one sucks