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That's German, right?
Thread title: 
sounds like ... something i don't want to hear ;-[

klingt mir sehr h채sslich ;-[
how about

Omelette d端 fromage?
französisch >_> <_< >_>
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
We're all living in America, America, America.

Yes, this is on topic.
Ich bin ein nicht-kaninchen oft gleich um die ecke!
red chamber dream
How I love Dexter's Lab.
Ready and willing.
BTW, did this forum die?
soaking through
BTW, yeah.

Vive la français!

*Waves England flag*
Quote from Yoshi348:
BTW, did this forum die?

If this forum were ever alive, I'd be 50 units of surprised.

Might as well make a forum about waffles and see how much conversation you get.  Probably more than here, as everyone loves waffles, while not everyone speaks German.

Ph33r my logic.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Sagen Sie nie "stirb!"
Ready and willing.
Well, there was this big project to translate M2K2 to German. But apparently it fell through...  :(
red chamber dream
Isn't there only like four people on here who speak German anyway? Or does Nate just have too much time on his hands?
Too many fangirls to count
ich heiße mangadood. hallo. alfedazin.
the projekt didnt die...

as i speak only for me, i am just plain to busy to translate right now...

und Deutsch ist toll *g*

Wartet nur ab bis Prime 2 auch bei uns draussen ist, dann geht es hier rund ;)

and i think there are more than only 4 german speaking people here...
just for the record =)
Guest? :|
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Hey, Toozin came back just in time to fix!
lol. the germans will always be with us, if only in spirit.

the project to translate the site is still progressing. i don't know how many of you noticed, but the metroid 2 section is already entirely translated. imo it's only a matter of time before the whole site gets the same treatment.

as for other languages ... it's a question of whether the fact that i speak/understand german attracted all of the germans here, or that they just came of their own volition. if it's the former, at least there's a chance i could get someone to translate the site into their native language and have people who speak that come. if it's the latter, i'm not sure the prospects for translating the site into something other than english or german are very good right now, considering metroid's core audience seems not to be growing (and is covered quite well already). (for what few japanese fans there are, there's metroid quarantine area.)

the only other major group i can detect, the swedes, all seem to be able to understand what i've written in english without problems, and they have already indicated to me that a swedish translation would be a waste of everyone's resources, so i suppose that's that.
Ich bin noch immer dabei die Zero Mission Seiten zu übersetzen. Leider konnte ich aber in letzter Zeit nicht viel daran tun, da ich mich mit Klausuren rumschlagen musste. Ich werde jetzt aber wieder weiter an den Übersetzungen arbeiten, und versuche sie vor dem MP2E Release fertig zu haben, damit es nicht noch länger dauert.
Quote from Frozen Mr. Toastbrot:
versuche sie vor dem MP2E Release fertig zu haben

lol. berühmte letzte worte (englischer begriff; weiß nicht, ob das gut auf deutsch klingt). auf jeden fall, vielen dank für deine arbeit. vielleicht werden die deutschen "guest"s  dieses übersetzen auch gern haben. ;)
Hey hi :)

Ich (heny) bin nat端rlich auch deutsch und lese schon lange hier mit. Wenn Prime 2 bei uns rauskommt, werde ich auch versuchen, hier aktiv mitzureden. ;)

Erstmal hallo an alle Deutschen hier. :D
willkommen ins forum!
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Is everything with an umlaut on it German?
soaking through
If we had anyone here who spoke proper French, I could help them translate it into French.  I doubt I could without a fluent speaker, however, as I suck.