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Heya, anyways, somtehing cool happened yesterday when playing Other M.  For some odd reason, my Wii sensor bar was positioned in a way, were I could tilt my Wii remote slightly on the left side towards the screen. The slight tilt put me into 1st person mode while still holding the remote with 2 hands. I was able to aim easily still and shoot with my right hand with the 2 button isntead of A.And clicking B is easy with the left hand. But it is so much faster to swich between the 2 pespectibes.

I got to play around with it for a few minutes. Well>i started making a thread about yesterday, but when I fooled arounf with it, it changed back to normal. I couldnt make work again.

Would this trick be helpful for speed runners?
Thread title: 
Time bomb set get out fast!
How in the world were you "able to aim easily still" without pointing at the screen?
It just let me aim it the same as if I was pointing at it the normal way. I will try to recreate it and take a video of how my stuff is set up. I'm kknow it sounds weird, but it really worked.
I think if there's a flame or a light source or something like that it will act like the sensor bar, allowing you to aim at it and still move the cursor around.
Hmmm, it could be becuase I did have my blinds up in my room, and my remote sensor faced the window. It was light outside. It was weird, I was in the huge room with the tree boss before the fight. I picked my controller and when I slightly shifted it, i went to 1st person. It was working for a while and then stopped when II fooled with the Wii bar.
Well, i just found a new way to do it!  just have the Wii sensor bar to you left side at a reasonable height and when the Wii sensor looks at it it goes to 1st person. no need to have it above or bellow the TV!
Indie Lover
this is what i was thinking... just put the sensor bar on your left side, and cover the sensor part of the mote, when you want to go in 1st person, just take your hands off the sensor in the mote and you should (technicaly) go into 1st person.
It works yeah, it's just for me it worked when the bar was under my TV. I hope it helps people in speed breaking, it quick.