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Ta'kaya as "Teyla the Demiphoenix"
A friend tells me that it is actually an acronym for "Inception Necromorphic Grouping". Feel free to post your own theories here.

Also, I think Dark Samus created them specifically to kill the Luminoth.
Thread title: 
I like turtles.
Neither of those things.  They're other-dimension counterparts of the Luminoth and "Ing" is simply the latter race's word for "terror."

Scanning is Half the Battle.
Ta'kaya as "Teyla the Demiphoenix"
I believe you mean "the "former" race's word for terror"
I like turtles.
Nope, I meant the latter.  As in, the Luminoth.
Ta'kaya as "Teyla the Demiphoenix"
Oh, I misunderstood.

"They're other-dimension counterparts of the Luminoth..."
red chamber dream
because retro is fuckING horrible at coming up with creative names
Ta'kaya as "Teyla the Demiphoenix"
Silence. Before I find a Denzium-Carbon alloy and make a sword out of it due to sheer boredom.
Quote from arkarian:
because retro is fuckING horrible at coming up with creative names

This. They literally named an enemy a beetle in metroid prime.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I like to think that was actually just a case of Samus having fought so many goddamned alien bugs that she ran out of things to call them. "It's a... it's, I dunno. Fuck it, it's a beetle. Whatever."
Anywhere, everywhere
Quote from arkarian:
because retro is fuckING horrible at coming up with creative names

Hey, "War Wasp" is a frightening name for an alien.
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2013-07-11 10:04:24 am
Dark Puffer... er, I mean Dark Preed

Also, geemers & zoomers. yippee!