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Wide beam should have been more like the awesome Spazer, not some weird pattern of 3 normal shots or something.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
What tumbleweed? that post inspired my new sig.
Err.. i must have missed something, cause your sig is still the same.  :?

im a Gamma w/ this post, yay!  :D
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
You definitely did because it wasn't like that until I read his post.
Ok, im an idiot.  What's diiferent about it?  Text style and size is the same, # of !'s and ~'s is the same, spacing is still the same, so whats changed?

...im confused  *sob*  :(
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Apparently when you change your sig, all the sigs you ever had in any post change with it. This means you really couldn't tell that I changed mine AFTER the post.

Originally, though, it was the quote by me ("have fun, man.") followed by a note saying I lost the password to my e-mail, so don't expect a reply via e-mail.
Yay, I'm a trend pimp... Bring me a pimp theme song!
Oh.  Well, im new here, so i dont know what past sigs look like.

BTW new for me= 3 days  :P
Quote from JaggerG:
Quote from SonicandTailspma:
Ya know, I expected more flak for liking the charge beam.

Lazy gameFAQs reason: Bla bla bla, [insert flak here] really neato charge beam!!!

How's that?

Thank you very much.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from SonicandTailspma:
Quote from JaggerG:
Quote from SonicandTailspma:
Quote from FakeOriginal:
What? I justlike putting in fake quotes....

Ya know, I expected more flak for liking the charge beam. Nice Fake Quote, BTW.

Thanks. Lazy gameFAQs reason: Bla bla bla, [insert flak here] really neato charge beam!!!

How's that?

Thank you very much.

No problem. It's nice to help out and start a quote pyramid. I mean...whatever.
Quote from JaggerG:
Quote from SonicandTailspma:
Quote from JaggerG:
Quote from SonicandTailspma:
Quote from FakeOriginal:
What? I justlike putting in fake quotes....

Ya know, I expected more flak for liking the charge beam. Nice Fake Quote, BTW.

Thanks. Lazy gameFAQs reason: Bla bla bla, [insert flak here] really neato charge beam!!!

How's that?

Thank you very much.

No problem. It's nice to help out and start a quote pyramid. I mean...whatever.

Too... many... quote... boxes... to... comprehend... topic...  Question
Will you people never learn?  Quote tunnel = admins get pissed.  I'm assuming most of you guys are new.  Here's the deal: The only place you can do a quote tunnels is in the topic "It's good to play together", which is the official quote tunnel.  While I don't speak for the admins, I have seen many a tunnel nuked by the admins, and I'm pretty sure they'll do it again.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I've never nuked a quote tunnel. I just say things in big letters.
Quote from Toozin:
I've never nuked a quote tunnel. I just say things in big letters.

And I was careful not to mention any one specific admin Wink
Ready and willing.
As far as I'm concerned, quote tunnels are okay as long as there's actual conversation going on. And if the inner quotes start getting irrelevant, you should probably shave them off. And if I'm gonna stop a quote tunnel, I'll see it. You can't really miss 'em.  Wink

BTW, Who the heck was John Kerry before? Kinda made me stop for a second when I saw his name in the started by column.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Yeah, sorry about that, I just like to see who notices that which, apparently, nobody ever has.
Quote from Yoshi348:
BTW, Who the heck was John Kerry before? Kinda made me stop for a second when I saw his name in the started by column.

Haha, same.
Quote from Toozin:
I've never nuked a quote tunnel. I just say things in big letters.

You should have said:


I would have quoted and sigged that immediately. Wait a minute...
We should all feel honored that the great john kerry has joined our humble lil site.

Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Topic? You mean to tell me there's a topic?
I still favor the wave beam.

The plasma beam to me is just 3 GREEN LINES, which to me is kind of pathetic.

(I just felt a need for having SOME OF MY POST in LARGE print)
Lemon Zinger Weapon
Plasma beam rocks Twisted Evil
Wave Beam!
What is it with new posters and bumping over 2 month old threads?
Does it really matter how old a thread is?,cause you seem to be the only one complaining about that
Quote from Phoenix:
Posting in a thread that's one month and 24 days old is even moee unnecessary.