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Quote from Sam-Mag:
In my bed at night. :)

When everyone's asleep. :D

Yeah, I like this...
But my brother does not if he hears the GBA sounds...
And I can´t play without sound...
But in the last time, I don´t play GBA anymore :?
red chamber dream
Quote from wildjaX:
And I can´t play without sound...

Just use headphones. Or do you have an SP?

I play the most in my living room, right by the lamp because I never bothered to get an SP. The chair is really comfortable though  :) !
I try to play with the sound as low as possible, but I can still hear it without waking anyone up. :)
I would be playing metroid:Zero mission my GBA right but I just can't find the cartridge! It's really sad. But I'd either play while i'm in bed at night even though my mom tells me to go to sleep! When my mom comes in I flip my SP closed and turn down the volume then hide it under my blanket so she doesn't take it away from me. Then when she leaves I take it out and turn it up just a little bit so I can only hear it.

Also if i'm crapping on the toilet i'd play it IF I BROUGHT IT WITH ME.

I'd also play while watching TV. But that kinda slows me down in speed runs. I happen to pause it a lot so I can watch some commercials I like or haven't seen. Laughing

When I beat MZM on hard with a 100% I couldn't even beat meta ridley cause I kept missing him with my super missiles. I just couldn't get it perfect! When I miss 1 or 2 super missiles on him i'd start to lose confidence in beating him cause i'm trying to beat the game really fast.
I'm such a gaming junkie that I usually play my GBA at home, sitting in my chair in front of the TV... waiting for my parents to stop watching television so I can play my GC.  I'd play it in the car when they drive me to and from college but it's usually dark, I don't have an SP, and my GBA light sucks because 1) it needs batteries and 2) it creates major glare on the screen so I can't see shit.
beautiful avatar and sig.
When i'm not able to acces my Cube like on holidays and stuff. When i'm at home I usually just use my Game Boy Player, the GBA screen is kinda small. Its the perfect holiday machine though.
red chamber dream
And plus, if you don't have good lighting all the time, the GBA is hard to see (I don't have an SP).
On the bus going to college. It's a 90 minute journey.
Lately i've been having to play on my gameboy player.

At the very least, I can use my screen-less GBA to some advantage with that thing...  I can't stand playing those games with a cube controller.
red chamber dream
Quote from Syl:
I can't stand playing those games with a cube controller.

Really? I personally find it much more comfortable that way. It fits your hands better than the GBA does. And I guess I'm more used to it than the GBA, because I play so much GameCube.
Ready and willing.
Control purists need to use the pad, and most people say the GC D-Pad is too small. I've used it no problems myself... but I've also used an original X-Box controller with no problems, and I don't have fucking gigantic hands. The only 3 things game wise have ever gotten me uncomfortable...

  • Megaman Aniversary Collection. X & B on the GC controller = ugh. Although it might have pissed off some purists, I really wish they would have swapped A and B around. At least make it an option.
  • Super Metroid. I've taked about this several times now; there's no need to elaborate.
  • PS Dualshock controllers. Those sticks just jut out of the controller too much, and the main control stick is way down... it's quite awkward. Having the pad be the main controller doesn't really sync with how people design their games these days. I'm not sure what the difference is between these sticks and, say, the C-Stick is, but it's there.[/list:o]
  • red chamber dream
    I actually prefer the original XBOX controllers over the Controller S's. I just really liked how the large controller felt to my hands.

    And yeah, PS2 controllers are poorly designed. I always say that they looks like an SNES controller with two sticks just thrown on. I've always wondered why Sony didn't bother to improve the controller design from the PS1 era to the PS2 era.
    Ready and willing.
    Because they were complacent. It's the same reason they still have 2 controller ports. And the way things are going, they might get away with the same thing on the PS3.
    red chamber dream
    Well, I think the two controller ports is more a way to make a lot of money off of multitaps than anything else.
    In my hands.

    Quote from Arkarian:
    I always say that they looks like an SNES controller with two sticks just thrown on.

    go snes cd!
    In bed around midnight with my volume low enough so I cant be heard. Now I have a DS and it is much harder yo control the volume.
    red chamber dream
    What do you mean by that? Is it louder all the time or something?

    I don't have a DS, and on the ones I have used, I can't say I've really touched the volume dial.
    The volume control is this thing you move to the left or right and I can move it just a little to the right and it is already too loud.