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Cook of the Sea
Those little details...  One wonders whether

Samus got caught drawing that.  I mean, it had to be with a knife because it stayed there for at least 16 years.  the Chozo must have been mad... 
also to tie the manga with zero mission

theres one shot in the manga where it shows the outside of the chozo city type thing, that thing is disturbingly similar to the way the outside of the chozo ruins in chozodia would look from the outside
Cook of the Sea
You mean the doors with the bird heads around them?  And why are we still spoileringeringering? 
Probably still spoilering cause us UK ppl dont have Zero Mission yet! Nor will we have it until 9th April.
Skynes, that sucks.

Wow, you guys have been waiting for some time, then.  Haven't you?
Cook of the Sea
Oh, WOW.  Why hasn't that come up before?
Import is easy if you have Credit cards and such... which I don't. So I'm stuck waiting for the UK release :(
Cook of the Sea
Dude, you have my sympathy.  Of course, that's off-set somewhat by the fact that you get to live in England, and British people are much much cooler than American people.  And they make better Imperial Officers...  :D
its just really important to remember that there is no regional coding for the GBA, so therefore, you could easily just import something from america with absolutely no issues at all. 
Or anywhere else for that matter.
Quote from Saber in Blue:
Dude, you have my sympathy.  Of course, that's off-set somewhat by the fact that you get to live in England, and British people are much much cooler than American people.  And they make better Imperial Officers...  :D

Northern Ireland actually... so not only do I get to deal with late games, but sectarianism, terrorism and random violence as well... But it's pretty much like that everywhere in the world :S
Cook of the Sea
Oh right.  I had seen England on someone else's location and thought that was you for a second.  Anyway, may Zero Mission come to you speedily.