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Quote from MegaMyke:
OMG para

That's an inside joke with one of my friends at school!

Lol we say that when we get older adn have kids our kids will come up to us with a question like "Daddy...  I have this strange feeling toward a girl at school..."  And we'll be like "Son, that's nothing to be ashamed of, you just have to DO A BARREL ROLL!" 

And we do it in the pippy voice too

It's also a gigantic fad at LUE, which is where I got it from. It's for good reason though, that quote kicks ass.

Never heard of it...  Is it a new game?
Life, the Universe, and Everything. It's a board at GameFAQs. It's... kind of hard to describe. But you probably don't want to know.
Ill just take your advice.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
...Right. That's one of the Hitch Hiker's Guide trilogy, no? Good book. I was wondering what LUE was.
Ah yes, meaning of life is 42...my friend read it and told me a few things, but that's all I remember.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
What was the question? I never finished the Trilogy. I think I stopped after the third book. How many people will I get with THAT one?  Wink
Quote from JaggerG:
What was the question? I never finished the Trilogy. I think I stopped after the third book. How many people will I get with THAT one?  Wink

They never found out the question.

The five books in the "Increasingly inaccurately named Trilogy of Four" is my favourite books. Ever.
Cook of the Sea
They did find out, however, (from a guy who had been accidentally injected with too much truth serum so he knew everything) that if the Question and the Answer were ever known in the same universe, the universe would dissappear and be replaced with something even wierder... 

Also, Arthur attempted to subconsciously tell himself the question by drawing Scrabble letters out of a bag blindfolded.  He got: 


Which is odd because a Scrabble set does not include enough Ys to say that even if you use the wild tiles.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I count three Y's. How many are there in a scrabbble set? Oh wait, I just saw a fourth one. Man...that's hard to count!
Quote from SABERinBLUE:

Which is odd because a Scrabble set does not include enough Ys to say that even if you use the wild tiles.

Yes there are. There are two Ys in a Scrabble set, and two wild tiles. There are four Ys in "What do you get if you multiply six by nine". Unless I'm totally missing the point of all of this.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
My bro says Arthur made the scrabble set himself, so he probably made at least four Y's, considering that the cavemen would get angry and toss them.

Poor bastard, he probably tried to spell "crjzrglwqid" again, but I keep telling him it only has one "g."

He reads too much....
Cook of the Sea
Oh yeah, it was a makeskift game.  And I tried it with my Scrabble set, and mine does not have enough.  Maybe I've got a messed-up Scrabble set...
Are you suggesting that coconuts MIGRATE!?
Quote from skynes:
Are you suggesting that coconuts MIGRATE!?

No! However, swallows migrate!
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Which swallow, African or European?
Quote from JaggerG:
Which swallow, African or European?

I don't know that!
Ready and willing.
*3 days later, the entire script of Monty Python and the Holy Grail has been posted.*
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
lol IT'S SO TRUE!!! Ah man. Wait, what were we talking about? Somehow we came to LUE and somebody mentioned coconuts migrating. Then we started calculating airspeed velocity of unladen swallows for some strange reason. What's going on?
Ready and willing.
Quote from JaggerG:
calculating airspeed velocity of unladen swallows

Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
That's where I went to get that question. When searching on Google, I should have known typing "swallow" would get several porn sights.
Cook of the Sea
Dude, someone actually went to the trouble of finding that out?  That's AWESOME!