Looks like a SNES remote if you ask me, at least button wise. As for the two-screen thing, what would a Metroid game look like on that? Metroid Zero mission for example. Would Samus's current placement on the map be on top screen and full map be on the bottom screen? Or could you be on the Mothership and be able to watch Terence's Perfect Stealth video.. Heck, that'd be awesome.
That can be worked. But it'd need quite a team of people to program that, and (based on my views and calculations) would eat up performance memory like mad.
I haven't read what other people said, but there's gonna be Wirless with instant messaging and other stuff. (Don't get mad at me if someone already said that.)
I was watching techtv which had coverage of the E3 conferance in which they said that the touchscreen will be in the DS.. Also they spoke for a long time about something that uses Disks and has a flap to put them in. They played duke nukem on it.. So the DS is everything in a Gameboy and more.. much more.
I truly wasn't planning on buying it, but because it has a metroid game, and probably many other great titles I may be forced to buy it. So many parts of it seem horrible though, first off: price, I don't want to pay that much. Second: 2 hour or so battery life? Give me a break! And third, I no longer play my GBA whatsoever. I use the GBA/GCN hookup, and when I'm in a car or something, I try to play my GBA but its so annoying, I love playing it on a real tv, which is way better.
Which I guess leads to my next question. Sure, the DS will probably have backwards capability, BUT, will the GCN be able to play DS games??
Well I think they should make a Mario Paint thing for this system. Perhaps the one that was planned for the 64DD a while back. Touchscreen + Mario Paint = awesome.
how will the system price drop a few weeks after release?
the SP has been around more than a year and hasn't dropped a penny of price.
It took the GBA at least a few years before it went down in price, that also debuted at 100$
My second GBA cost 100$ as well i believe, and that was quite a few months later. (lets see, GBA = summer before freshman year, it "retired"... the winter golden sun 1 came out, i just remember playing through all of golden sun on the batteries that came with the system...25+ hours on those things)
I think the GBA dropped to 70$ the christmas before the SP was announced, cause the SP was announced very early in the year, announced in january and came out that march.