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What is your Favorite Area?
Temple Grounds (2)
Agon Wastes (1)
Torvus Bog (5)
Lower Torvus (2)
Sanctuary Fortress (11)
Dark Temple Grounds (0)
Dark Agon Wastes (0)
Dark Torvus Bog (0)
Ing Hive (3)
Sky Temple (0)
None (3)
Mine goes to lower torvus. Best music. And being underwater just seemed a little... creepy, especially with the music.
Thread title: 
One shall stand, one shall ball.
It needs a "None" option.
Your Welcome.
Mister ...
Lower Torvus for the music (My vote), but Sanctuary Fortress was my favorite area. 
Sanctuary Fortress!

It makes for inspiration for a cool tileset for Super Metroid. ;)
Sanctuary Fortress, for the cool area, background, and music.  I liked how many things in Echoes(doors, music, etc.) brought back some of the traditional aspects from Super Metroid.
red chamber dream
voted none.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
There are three votes for none, it's little victories like this that make my time here worthwhile.
red chamber dream
sanc is ahead now! sanc was good, but "good" in echoze doesn't really mean much.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Pretty sure it was always ahead, I just love seeing that someone other than me voted none. :)
Sanctuary, or to be specific, anywhere I can ride a maintenance drone.  I'd like to ride one of those things as part of an area like Sanctuary Entrance or Sandcanyon... as a sidequest thingy, not a required part of the game.  Teleporting along with them is a rather neat feature they have.

Of course, I say sidequest because I'd like to fight on top of one, but the bastards are fragile and quick, which would make dodging a pain in the ass at best.  Still, if it were something like a ski lift, that would have been enough for me.
Sanctuary, because there's room to screw attack.
I love Sanctuary Fortress.  I especially like the ingsmashers.  I know that one PB takes them out, but its more fun to use sunburst and darkburst.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from Opium:
I love Sanctuary Fortress.  I especially like the ingsmashers.  I know that one PB takes them out, but its more fun to use sunburst and darkburst.

heh this brings back memories of my first playthough when i used to fight most enemies without knowing the fastest way to defeat them. i ran out of ammo against an ingsmasher once because of the missile combo i was using. other enemies thatw aste dmy ammo and energy were the dark pirate commandos. it feels so good even today to freeze+missile them because of how they tortured me back then.
red chamber dream
if you're playing a prime game, you can't go wrong with a power bomb. ;)
Quote from arkarian:
sanc is ahead now! sanc was good, but "good" in echoze doesn't really mean much.

Oh please. Some of you Metroid fans are so goddamn spoiled. The Metroid series hasn't had a legitimately bad game in it's history, it's just that not all of the games felt like Super Metroid, which seems to be the standard all Metroid games are graded by. What gives? Metroid Prime 2 is a great game in every sense of the word, it's just not what you're used to seeing from a Metroid game. It had a great art direction, fantastic music, and pretty good gameplay. Sanctuary Fortress and Torvus Bog had incredible art direction and I think they're stronger than many Prime 1 areas, if it weren't for the Dark Worlds. It's nice to see Retro being more creative than "generic Earth area", which is what we got in Prime 1. It worked, but it's nice to see something more creative, and Echoes had that.

So it wasn't as good as Prime 1 and Super Metroid. That does not make it a bad game.

I hate to see legitimate efforts by good developers disrespected by whining fanboys who always want their way (and likely have no appreciation for the incredible challenge of creating a sequel to a game that still seems fresh to the gamer audience while pleasing to the hardcore fans).
red chamber dream
er, i don't care much for super metroid; it's among my least favorite games in the series. so none of your points are very valid. :/

Quote from Melancholy Spork:
a sequel to a game that still seems fresh to the gamer audience while pleasing to the hardcore fans).

but it doesn't do either of those. you can't just invent reality.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Melancholy Spork:
Metroid Prime 2 is a great game in every sense of the word, it's just not what you're used to seeing from a Metroid game. It had a great art direction, fantastic music, and pretty good gameplay. 

Great in every sense except for the only "pretty good" gameplay? I don't follow. Pretty good is a term I would use to describe Echoes on a good day.

Also, Sanctuary Fortress was ass.

And the game should have taken place entirely in the Dark World. A fully developed Dark World complete with the deliciously oppressive atmosphere those parts of the game carried would be sexy. Without that stupid ass Light Suit though, that piece of shit ruined everything.
Quote from arkarian:
er, i don't care much for super metroid; it's among my least favorite games in the series. so none of your points are very valid. :/

Quote from Melancholy Spork:
a sequel to a game that still seems fresh to the gamer audience while pleasing to the hardcore fans).

but it doesn't do either of those. you can't just invent reality.

It doesn't do it as well as many game sequels (Mario Galaxy and Zero Mission come to mind) but it isn't a failed effort. Reviewers loved it and the hardcore audience didn't hate it as much as you did, though it's certainly not the most popular Prime release. My point is you're not giving the game enough credit.

Great in every sense except for the only "pretty good" gameplay? I don't follow. Pretty good is a term I would use to describe Echoes on a good day.

The gameplay wasn't perfect, mostly because of the Dark Worlds which became bleak and annoying after awhile. But the essentials were still there. You got to do plenty of exploring, intricate puzzle solving, fight huge enemies, discover weird new areas, etc. It's good side far outweighs it's bad side and it's definitely a "pretty good" game by normal standards. You seem unwilling to give it any credit at all, and that's incredibly unfair. Retro Studios has yet to release a legitimately bad game, and they've released at least one great one. Pretty damn good track record. Do they deserve to be dissed?

Also, Sanctuary Fortress was ass.

I highly disagree with this but this is such a relative point of view that I won't argue with it.

And the game should have taken place entirely in the Dark World. A fully developed Dark World complete with the deliciously oppressive atmosphere those parts of the game carried would be sexy. Without that stupid ass Light Suit though, that piece of shit ruined everything.

Uh, I think you've got it backwards. Fully developed Light Worlds without any dimension shifting nonsense would have made the game 100% better in my mind. The dark world should have been saved for the very end, as a final stage before the final boss. It would have been fresher, and much more interesting.

But, it's useless to argue over what could have been. Echoes is not perfect, and it might not even be a great game, but it's a damn good one.
Jagger ftw
My first favorite area:
#1 Torvus Bog.
#2 Sanctuary Fortress.

Torvus bog for its scenery, monster and music.
Sanctuary for its futuristic technology machines, monster and screw attack:)
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Melancholy Spork:
You seem unwilling to give it any credit at all

Uhhh... Did you not see my mention of putting the whole game in the Dark World? There's a reason for that, namely that I actually thought the Dark World had more potential for not suckage than the Light World, I liked the Dark World. I'd go so far as to say that it is the game's redeeming quality in the face of all the bugs, Luminoth assholes, and overly long pointless cut scenes.

The Dark World was just Samus in one messed up place full of things that want her dead, the Light World was Samus being told what to do by some douchebag and then wandering around a bland environment to get to an elevator to another bland environment. Upper Torvus was the only Light World area that didn't blow ass.
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Melancholy Spork:
You seem unwilling to give it any credit at all

Uhhh... Did you not see my mention of putting the whole game in the Dark World? There's a reason for that, namely that I actually thought the Dark World had more potential for not suckage than the Light World, I liked the Dark World. I'd go so far as to say that it is the game's redeeming quality in the face of all the bugs, Luminoth assholes, and overly long pointless cut scenes.

You're definitely alone in that opinion. As far as I know the Dark Worlds were one of the things people hated. Boring ambient music, dull environments, too much purple, gets boring quickly, etc. The light worlds were varied and interesting.

Anyway, you may be taking that position now, but you had said only a few posts ago that absolutely no area in the game deserved recognition, which is ridiculous.

The Dark World was just Samus in one messed up place full of things that want her dead, the Light World was Samus being told what to do by some douchebag and then wandering around a bland environment to get to an elevator to another bland environment. Upper Torvus was the only Light World area that didn't blow ass.

Though Upper Torvus was also my favorite, I don't think it was the only decent one. Anyway, this is also curiously inconsistent with the "none" option.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
The reason for the "none" option is that to be in any of these areas I'd have to be playing this game. And this is not a game I feel compelled to replay, the first run was fun but didn't inspire me to really sit down and play again. That said any following run gets bogged down by Agon being the complete pile of shit that it is, Dark Agon is vastly superior by way of looking less shitty and having some semblance of atmosphere.

Upper Torvus is the best area because it has the most, I want to say "varied" look but I'm not sure if that's really the best description, but runs into the issue of having to compete with so many bland and shitty areas that I cannot say that it is, in fact, good rather than just better than the others. Put it in Prime and it feel different since that game had many kick ass areas that I have more fun playing through. Therefore I wished to vote none since I could only compare Torvus to other Echoes regions and that comparison is difficult as standing out in a sea of lame doesn't necessarily make it good.

And I have no problem being the only one who liked the Dark World, if that is the case. Keep in mind my favoring of the Dark World could very well be for similar reasons as Torvus in that it's just better than the Light versions of the areas.
red chamber dream
if by varied you mean "four shades of brown and green", then yes, i agree. toarvis. bawlg. ftw.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
It's better than one shade of brown or green in the case of Sanctuary. But it's more that there's actually something there at all, plants and tree branches/roots that make some sort of obstacle or platform for you to use even the water here and there is a nice break from the other areas which are very one note. It felt more Metroid Prime than any other point in the game.