Everyone seems to think 1% is the optimal percent. I don't agree with this. Do you all remember Sess's Arachnus fight? He had to take Arachnus out in three rounds. He said that with 10 missiles, you could defeat it in two if you took damage. But if you grab a missile tank before Arachnus, you can defeat it in one round. According to the missile cost list, the first missile tank takes three seconds to grab. That one missile tank will probably make up more than three seconds at Arachnus alone. Right now, you may be thinking, "A few seconds, big deal". But later on, that missile tank (or two) will help a lot. There are a couple other missile tanks that take less than five seconds to grab. So, I think the real optimal percent is about 2% or 3%. (It would be faster to skip bob and grab another missile tank, but who's going to skip bob to lower their any% time by 10-20 seconds?)
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