looks like beta stuff. there were tons of betas shown before the game was released, many with a very different look. there are even videos out there if you look hard enough. dunno if any beta roms were ever released though.
the energy bar is awful,it gives a pokémon-ish feeling to metroid...we are so used to the little energy squares taht it would feel awfully weird
The Prime series has an energy bar, and it works very well. The squares in Fusion are your Energy Tanks, not your health. Fusion just has a number representing your health, which is fine, but a bar would make it even easier to read. Very glad Prime introduced that.
I find it more odd that she doesn't have any etanks in any of those images.
It's also odd that the energy bar goes all the way to 100, instead of 99, like in the Primes.
At first, I thought the circle thing was a sound measuring device, but then I saw Arachnus-X screaming. Maybe it's an expansion detector, like the droning sound in the Prime games.
My next guess is Bio-Sign Detector. Perhaps it's calibrated to detect Biological signs of Non-X creatures? No, no... Hmmm...
Probably too, like:
Adam: Samus, I'm detecting strong bio-signals in your scanner, let me run a check.... it seems they are not infected, try and bring them to the ship for further analysis.