My thoughts exactly. Whenever I see something written in (I assume) Japanese, it has at least two words written at least twice in a row, and that doesn't usually happen in English (I've only seen repeated "had"s and "and"s). Not to mention (when it's on the computer) the weird question marks. :o I've learned from my expeditions in Japanese SSBM that Purin is Jigglypuff (or something like it).
if i say to you like, give me a pickup truck, and you give me this, then i'll say to you "no, i wanted a truck truck," meaning a real truck. but yeah in general more reduplication (the technical term) in japanese than in english.
purin is pudding btw (if you're american, it's the same pronunciation).
As for what I'm listening to... "On to Battle," Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2. Such an underrated game, and the music includes some of the best 16-bit compositions I've ever heard.
The orchestrated version of The Astral Observatory from Majora's Mask. I'd forgotten how great that tune was, it's been far too long since I've last played MM.
http:// Chrono Trigger Trial played on piano.
I was so extremely happy to stumble onto this today, I've been playing it for hours. Really one of the greater pieces of music I have listened to in later days.