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Successor of L
Breaking Benjamin-sooner of later
dancemix 2008
red chamber dream
What's on it?
Armor Guardian
Quote from Azure:
I can't get [noembed][url= Made Wa Nemuranai![/url][/noembed] out of my head. Yes, the song's in Japanese, but the video will explain everything perfectly... brings back memories. Bad ones.
Damn yellow cyclops thing. >.<

I prefer [noembed][url= ga Taosenai.[/url][/noembed]
PS The Yellow Devil is easy if you use the select glitch.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
A remix of The Ballad of the Wind Fish called Symphonic Ballade.
Ready to internet!
ooh, i love LA music. time to search for it!
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Heh, I have three different remixes of that song and one of Tal Tal Heights. That game has awesome music, it's a shame it took so long for me to get around to playing it.
Ready to internet!
it was the first zelda i ever played, and the first i bought with my own money. i used to think that the counter showed how good you were XD
Memorizer of Maps
The New Pornographers - Challengers
red chamber dream
Oh fuck yeah, another Pornographers fan. "Mutiny, I Promise You" is easily the best part of that album— think I'll listen to it now, in fact.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
Successor of L
Breaking benjimin-so cold
ott - blumenkraft
Hated by all
Fine Young Cannibals: She Drives Me Crazy
Hated by all
Daniel Powter: You Had a Bad Day.
red chamber dream
Don't double post, especially in a topic like this.
Car Talk on NPR
Hated by all
Sorry about that. stern
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Stairway to Heaven.
Billie Jean by Michael Jackson
Edit history:
arkarian: 2008-04-27 08:06:02 pm
red chamber dream
The Polish Ambassador – "Robot Motivation".

He's a damn good new artist. If you like house music, I very very highly recommend his album. One of the best I've heard. It's about half upbeat stuff and half chillout, and they work so well together.
Mister ...
Originally I thought Nate's post was blank.  I was going to quote it for humor, but then I got some japanese (or whatever) symbols.  My PC doesn't even recognize any text in his post, so I can't even highlight it.  Ohwell.

Chill Penguin - New and Improved  by 7he5hocker (Newgrounds Audio Portal)
Memorizer of Maps
Modest Mouse - Tiny Cities Made of Ashes
Armor Guardian
Mega Man Xtreme - Flame Stag