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Metroids Are Jerks
Zelda Music... I think it's OoT stuff
Quote from Papa Brain:
Zelda Music... I think it's OoT stuff

We should really find a way to change the abbreviations of either OoT (Oracle of Time) or OoT (Ocarina of Time).
red chamber dream
The Oracle Of Time is a book, not a video game. I think people on this forum know what a user means if he says, "OOT".
The Beatles - Penny Lane
I think I meant Oracle of Ages, but I said Oracle of Time, 'cause it has to do with time, and stuff.
red chamber dream
Ah. Well, at any rate, there's no need to change abbreviations.
Mister ...
I can see where Gamma Metroid is going with the whole abbreviation thing.  There's OoT, OoA, and OoS, so it could get a bit confusing. 

But anyways: Listening to Butter Building - Brawl.  Next up is The Dark World, also from Brawl :D (Dark World theme kicks ass)
red chamber dream
Quote from nn12000:
I can see where Gamma Metroid is going with the whole abbreviation thing.  There's OoT, OoA, and OoS, so it could get a bit confusing.

Right, because all those are the same thing. >___>
Mister ...
Obviously they're not.  I'm just saying he could've been thinking of one and posted the other.
Metroid Prime soundtrack - right now it's Phendrana Chozo Chamber.
Look, witty text!
Ever since I got No More Heroes, I've been listening to this.
red chamber dream
Reminds me of the video for a-ha's "Take Me On".
One shall stand, one shall ball.
King Dedede's theme from Brawl.
Ready to internet!
i nearly killed my phone with all the brawl stuff on it. almost one gig of music :D

G02 - Star Fox - Corneria.mp3 for me. love that track
Armor Guardian
Super Smash Bros Brawl - Fire Field

Awesome mix tbqhief.
Found my SNZ album a few weeks ago and spamming it in my mp3 player.
The Inevitable>Hot

Killer7-  Blackburn
Successor of L
three days grace-home 8-)
red chamber dream
I've been listening to The Offspring's entire collection on shuffle all day. They're my favorite band, but I listen to them in short spurts: I'll often go months without hearing them much and then decide to listen only to them for a week or so.

When their new record is announced (hopefully soon), I plan on devoting an entire day to each of their albums during the week before its release. :)
Quote from Arkarian:
When their new record is announced (hopefully soon), I plan on devoting an entire day to each of their albums during the week before its release. :)

People still record their music on records?!
red chamber dream
I realize your post wasn't exactly serious, but I feel like responding anyway.
A record is merely an item or collection of data. It's also the term I prefer over "album". What you call "records" I usually call "vinyl".
plasma beam v.2.0
ive just seen a face
across the universe

dont dis the greatest movie soundtrack ever!
woohoo go beatles
Last night I dug up my Nine Inch Nails and Led Zeppelin albums, so I've been listening to those.
I'm listening to various techno/trance/electronic stuff because I don't listen to rock stuff when I'm going to be reading a lot, such as when on the forums or IRC, and I don't really enjoy other genres all that much (though the only stuff I can think of that I won't listen to is rap, anything with Spanish in it, and polka).
red chamber dream
Yeah, house/dance/trance/techno/electronica is my music of choice when programming. You ever listen to Justice? They're my current "listen–to–all–the–time" band.
I'll listen to anything while just websurfing, though.

Quote from uNsane:

You clearly haven't heard "All–American Badass" by Mad Caddies. I'll upload it for you if you PM me.
I'm listening to the Jet Set Radio Future soundtrack. Hideki Naganuma is so good!