I've been listening to The Offspring's entire collection on shuffle all day. They're my favorite band, but I listen to them in short spurts: I'll often go months without hearing them much and then decide to listen only to them for a week or so.
When their new record is announced (hopefully soon), I plan on devoting an entire day to each of their albums during the week before its release. :)
I realize your post wasn't exactly serious, but I feel like responding anyway. A record is merely an item or collection of data. It's also the term I prefer over "album". What you call "records" I usually call "vinyl".
I'm listening to various techno/trance/electronic stuff because I don't listen to rock stuff when I'm going to be reading a lot, such as when on the forums or IRC, and I don't really enjoy other genres all that much (though the only stuff I can think of that I won't listen to is rap, anything with Spanish in it, and polka).
Yeah, house/dance/trance/techno/electronica is my music of choice when programming. You ever listen to Justice? They're my current "listen–to–all–the–time" band. I'll listen to anything while just websurfing, though.
Quote from uNsane:
You clearly haven't heard "All–American Badass" by Mad Caddies. I'll upload it for you if you PM me.