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Nice to see that there's more than one ska fan here...

90's Ska/Swing was the best IMO...

Right now...

Los Peices in el Rio by Mannheim Steamroller, on "Christmas In the Aire"


In fact, it was so nice, that I'm listening to it AGAIN!!!!! (muahahahahaa)
red chamber dream
Reel Big Fish and Rx Bandits ftw.
Edit history:
suttsman: 2007-12-13 06:03:02 pm
Agent Heart
Sweet Child O' Mine
Guns & Roses
Appetite for Destruction

Really sweet guitar solo! (it's about 3 minutes in)

Edit: Added link.
red chamber dream
Really? Never heard that one.
Buckethead - Pepper's Ghost

This album is full of awesome songs, the more I listen to it the better it sounds. One of the best albums of 2007, IMO.
I suck...litterally
Prison lane - Crush 40

i LOVE Crush 40, there such an awsome band!
Agent Heart

Good song. I heard the riff was relatively easy to play. I think it's something like 04070407, then 05080508..
red chamber dream
lol, is that supposed to be tablature?
Angels & Airwaves - Valkyrie Missile

This band is godly.
Nelly Furtado - All Good Things
red chamber dream
Quote from Pirate109:
Angels & Airwaves - Valkyrie Missile

This band is godly.

Eh, I won't rag on your opinion, but personally I think if DeLonge ever takes his head out of his ass, cuts his songs' intros down by a few minutes each, and sings better, AVA could be a good band. I–Empire's a step in the right direction, but it's not enough for me. I'm a huge fan of DeLonge's and all the other members' work, so hopefully the third time's a charm.
Metroids Are Jerks
The Toadies, Rubberneck
Agent Heart
Yes, that was supposed to be tablature...  Embarassed

Anyways, downloaded the rest of Appetite for Destruction!  grin new

Welcome to the Jungle
Guns & Roses
Appetite for Destruction
Armor Guardian
Contra The Blue Gale
red chamber dream
"Oh Comely" – Neutral Milk Hotel

GNR sucks btw.
Quote from Arkarian:
Quote from Pirate109:
Angels & Airwaves - Valkyrie Missile

This band is godly.

Eh, I won't rag on your opinion, but personally I think if DeLonge ever takes his head out of his ass, cuts his songs' intros down by a few minutes each, and sings better, AVA could be a good band. I–Empire's a step in the right direction, but it's not enough for me. I'm a huge fan of DeLonge's and all the other members' work, so hopefully the third time's a charm.

lol, each to their own, really. I happen to love the long intros/singing. Best AVA song? (Lifeline for me) Oh, and I prefer the first album; I don't actually listen to about half of I-Empire that often.
Quote from enigma_0Z:
Nice to see that there's more than one ska fan here...
90's Ska/Swing was the best IMO...
Right now...
Los Peices in el Rio by Mannheim Steamroller, on "Christmas In the Aire"
In fact, it was so nice, that I'm listening to it AGAIN!!!!! (muahahahahaa)

What are some 90s ska/swing bands you would recommend?  I mostly listen to ska like Streetlight Manifesto and old Catch22 and well...  that's it.  I used to listen to Reel Big Fish but got a bit tired of it, Suicide Machines are OK, BOTAR only has 5 songs and 2 of them are from Keasbey, Save Ferris, the Flateliners, and Operation Ivy are pretty much collecting dust in my shelf somewhere.

The Blonde Lead the Blind- Streetlight Manifesto
red chamber dream
Rx Bandits, The Specs (formerly the Superspecs; they've since disbanded), Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing).

If you haven't heard Reel Big Fish's newest album (Monkeys For Nothin' And The Chimps For Free), I definitely recommend giving it a listen. It's their best work yet.
Metroids Are Jerks
"Silence the Dead" by Sentinel
A whole bunch of Metroid MIDIs. The majority of them are making my soul weep. Something to do with the craposity of a computer's MIDI library as compared to a Nintendo MIDI library.
Agent Heart
Kiss (Remastered)

Another song I own that's also on Guitar Hero :P
Ready to internet!
there's nightmare before christmas in the background, but nowt much really other than what bith posted
Liquid Tension Experiment - Universal Mind
Edit history:
iamthejackie: 2008-01-01 12:43:53 am
Quote from Arkarian:
Rx Bandits, The Specs (formerly the Superspecs; they've since disbanded), Squirrel Nut Zippers (swing).

If you haven't heard Reel Big Fish's newest album (Monkeys For Nothin' And The Chimps For Free), I definitely recommend giving it a listen. It's their best work yet.

I have the Resignation by RX bandits, Hot+Inevitable by SNZ and Turn off the radio+Everything sucks by RBF.  I can't seem to find RX's old CDs, I've heard some of their old songs and they are very different from the songs from Resignation so I'm gonna keep looking for them. 
SNZ's lead singer died after Hot which is pretty much the reason why I haven't listen to any of their CDs after 1996.  If you have a specific song, I won't mind searching for it online and give it a listen.
I'm officially done with RBF.  They are just not my kind of ska.  Streetlight is where it is at.  Been listening to Somewhere int he Between for forever now.
Superspecs is the only band I haven't heard of, mind giving me an album to start with?

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