(wired were the eyes of a horse on jet pilot, one that smiled when he flew over the bay)
And I think I'll have to get Roulette and Highway song. Those are like two of the four songs I'm missing from steal this album. Stupid itunes doesn't even have all their songs. Fortunately they have those two though.
and while I was typing this, X started, then finished, and now I'm listening to Chop Suey. One of the problems about SOAD is that their songs are a bit too short sometimes.
Oh, oops. The PM thing is so tiny I always forget to check it whenever I log in.
And the thing that I don't like about short songs is that *gasp* I have to take my ipod out of my pocket and start the playlist over. If only I knew how to repeat a playlist.
No, I always write the song title first for some reason. I guess it just makes more sense to me, as the query was "what are you listening to", as in what song, not "who are you listening to", as in what artist.