how'd you find out about em? the way I found out about em was through a series of strange coincidences. one day like a year ago I was listenin to the radio in the car (which I normally don't do) and I just happened to hear byob. I had no clue what the song was called or who it was by. but then I just happened to see a commercial for mezmerize a couple days after that, and it had byob on it. so I bought mezmerize, and I'm sure you can figure out what happened after that.
but that's the only cd I actually own. the rest of the songs I've gotten off itunes. I wish I had their albums on cd's though. And I know that I could just burn the songs, but where would be the fun in that?
oh, and now I'm listening to psycho, and I'm sure you can guess who it's by.
Err, I don't really know. I've been listening to SOAD since their self-titled days; s'pose I heard about them from someone in what I guess was elementary school.
Quote from primetime:
And I know that I could just burn the songs, but where would be the fun in that?
May not be "fun", but it sure would be a smart idea, if only to keep them as backup.
Quote from primetime:
oh, and now I'm listening to psycho, and I'm sure you can guess who it's by.