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Armor Guardian
Tetrisphere - Compliant Confuse
Mister ...
Mega Man 6 - Fortress of the Knight remix, along with all the other MM6 remixes I have on my PC
The Chrono Cross soundtrack and Naruto ending themes.
Too many fangirls to count
I have iron man on repeat. <_<
Muse - Knights of Cydonia.
Squirrel Nut Zippers-  The Interlocuter

Good instrumental
everybody knows it's true
Saddness sample, it's sooo good.
Shadow of the Colossus' music?
Clairvoyant Disease - Avenged Sevenfold
l'appel du vide
Mister ...
Holy gunship, page 6 in one day?

And why does it seem like the posts from page one are on page 6?
Cook of the Sea
Quote from iamthejackie:
Squirrel Nut Zippers-  The Interlocuter

Good instrumental

Oh my dear sweet jesus. 

Flickerbatting YES.
red chamber dream
Now it's Muse - Stockholm Syndrome.

<3 Muse so much. Absolution (the record) just flickerbatting rocks.
Armor Guardian
Tetrisphere - Extol
Quote from nn12000:
Holy gunship, page 6 in one day?

And why does it seem like the posts from page one are on page 6?

Nate probably used his awesome powers of mergezorz to merge this with an old topic.
Too many fangirls to count
Quote from nn12000:
Holy gunship, page 6 in one day?

And why does it seem like the posts from page one are on page 6?
musta been merged with another thread
Wow for a second there I thought something happened after 6 pages.  Find out that it isnt even my topic anymore and it was merged.  Oh well.

Operation Ivy- Junkie's Running Dry
Mister ...
Theme for Futurama ... damned theme is somewhat catchy.
red chamber dream
Dude, Op. Ivy for the flickerbatting win! Hoboken is easily their best song, with that incredible bass line at the end. o_O
Snakes Remains - LOZ: Oracle of Seasons
Mister ...
Hyrule Village theme from Minish Cap ...

We're all nerds, listening to game music >_>
What's with the "Flickerbatting" thing?  2 people have said that so far, I'm just wondering if its some kinda inside thing in m2k2 back then.

Circle Takes the Square-  Nonobjective Portrait of Karma.
"Flickerbat" is a censor for the f-word.
Too many fangirls to count
It is also a Metroid Prime enemy