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I don't know if any of you have seen information like this before, though I'm sure some of the geniouses here can figure out what to do with it (maybe the Phantoon fight can be tweeked to go faster, for example).

There's an unused enemy in the game, the reflector.  It bounces Samus's attacks, and you can hit yourself with them.

Varia suit reduced damage to one half.
Gravity suit reduced damage to one fourth.
Gravity suit alone had no difference from with Varia.

Each entry is just a list of beams enabled followed by damage.  All damages are with normal power suit.
I - Ice
W - Wave
S - Spazer
P - Plasma

When charged, the charge beam triples this damage.
    - 20
  I - 30
  W  - 50
  WI - 60
S  - 40
S I - 60
SW  - 70
SWI - 100
P    - 150
P  I - 200
P W  - 250
P WI - 300*
Missile - 100
S.Missile - 0**</pre>

*Beam did not damage, for some glitchy reason.  Charged worked, though, so one third of that damage is given.
**Another glitch of some form.  I suspect it does either 300 or 500 damage, though.

I can't find the place I where got the hacked savestate with the reflector, unfortunately.  If anyone is interested though, I'll upload it so you can play with it.
Thread title: 
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Phantoon was already tweaked for 3 rounds.  :o
Oh, wow, I really messed up when I said that  Embarassed.

I meant to say that something  else could be tweeked like the Phantoon fight.  While nothing else would be as effected, becouse they don't have rounds, it might be possible to figure out the most efficient firepower compared to how long it takes to find certain items for other bosses.  Or not, I don't really know how set in stone the 100% route is or anything.
Only as set in stone as the number of glitches we have, and that should say something.

But that's interesting, that the plasma alone is more powerful than Spazicewave. Shows a lot about how useless those three are once you get plasma.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Only as set in stone as the number of glitches we have, and that should say something.

LOL... And I'm still adding to that number. ;)

a.  Normal beam : 10
b.  Wave beam : 25
c.  Ice beam : 15
d.  Ice/Wave beam : 30
e.  Spazer beam : 20
f.  Wave/Spazer beam : 35
g.  Ice/Spazer beam : 30
h.  Wave/Ice/Spazer beam : 50
i.  Plasma beam : 75
j.  Wave/Plasma beam / Speed Echoes : 125 / 2,048
k. Ice/Plasma beam : 100
l. Wave/Ice/Plasma beam : 150
m. Missiles : 50
n. Super Missiles : 150
o. Bombs / Space/Time Beam : 30 / 45 per 1/3 of second
p. Power Bombs : 100, can hit twice
q. Speed Running : 250 a frame
r. Super Jump : 75 a frame
s. Screw Attack : 1,000 a frame
t. ALL Charge beams / Hyper Beam / Special Beams / Murder Beam : 3x beam combo / 500 / 150 / 100 per 1/3 of second
u. Psuedo Screw Attack : 100
v. Unknown (Removed beta weapon?)

All applicable damage I can think of in the entire game, organized by in-game type (It's no coincidence the Space/Time beam is considered a bomb). It's normally doubled against just about everything, though. 'Resistant' enemies simply don't double the damage.
About time you showed up.  Though since I've only been here since summer for all I know you could have had some other username here or something anyway.

Now: when are you going to write up more of those glitches you find?  Stupid non-archiving gfaqs board. 

Can you clarify what you mean by in-game type?  Why would speed echoes be the same type as wave/plasma?  (For that matter, why are Samus's speed echoes more dangerous than Samus herself when boosting?)  By special beams do you mean the bomb shields or whatever they're called?  Does the same damage occur from the speedball as from normal speed boosting/echoes? Does the damage from spazer and plasma depend at all on how many hit the enemy? Etc.

Every time you post you raise more questions than you answer. ;)

p.s. it's "pseudo"
Armor Guardian
LOL! The Hyper Beam is not what it's hyped up to be.

Just out of curiosity, how did you figure that out Kejardon? Hacking?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
I don't often write up glitches... When Kagerato started up the Actions Board I started putting up glitches there, except before long I was the only one doing anything and quickly lost enthusiasm for the project. >_> I have a list of (most) glitches from about 6 months ago, but I only recently began updating the list again, so I may have forgotten a few glitches from that period.

Just to make sure you understand: Speed echoes are the two copies of Samus that fly out when you end a super jump.

The enemies all link to a list of multipliers used for calculating damage, I use the same list format. From what I can see, it's used in many other parts of the game as well (ergo the space/time beam being a bomb, and reflected speed echoes from the silver space pirates turning into beams... kinda). So an enemy immune to plasma/wave beams is also immune to speed echoes. For organizing the list, it was straight-out hacking, although deskjockey_ pointed me in the right direction for accomplishing it. To find the actual damage done, I tested them all against a buffed up waver (x2 damage from all weapons, standard reaction to all forms of attack excluding grapple) with 65535 health. I just hit it with a weapon and looked at it's new health in ram, then did the math.

On that note, grapple does not do damage to enemies. It can instantly kill enemies (with no regard to health), freeze enemies permamently, make enemies hesitate for a single frame, make enemies intangible, momentarily pause Samus, lock Samus up, kill Samus surprisingly quick, curve the grapple beam, and probably a few other things. Of course, only a few of those are ever used in the game, but the rest are all easily accessible with a hex-editor.

Special beams are the power bomb shields, yes. That's the name I'm used to calling them when I've talked to deskjockey_ and Kagerato, though it's probably not the best name. Each individual shot does the damage listed, but I just now noticed an error: The Ice beam shield only does 45 damage. (it's an old copy of the file, I can't find the newer one)

Speed balling, speed jumping (not super jumping), blue suit, etc. are all one and the same as far as damage is concerned.

Spazer only hits once. The three beams you see (or 5, if you fire a charged shot diagonally or up and look carefully) don't matter. Plasma *can* hit multiple times, but 95% of enemies will only get hit once every 1/3 of a second, and it normally passes the enemy before then. Crocamire, though...
Another random and odd note: It is annoyingly common for charged Wave/Plasma to miss certain blocks, even though it will hit all blocks before and after them. This is easily observable in Tourian: Go to the room with a lot of floating dust/vines, stand (or sit, if you're on a 1/2 block) directly under some, and fire straight up. There will be a row remaining just above your cannon.

And if you want to know why, don't look at me. I'm not the one that decided how Super Metroid was programmed, I just like to break it. :D
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Hi Kejardon..long time no blab.

Did you ever do anything with the get behind Crocomire thing I did?  I remember you were going to make some kind of movie about it, but never saw anything.  :(
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Yeah, I remember that. I wanted to crystal flash from on top of Crocamire into the door, to see what would happen if you hit a room transition while crystal flashing. It took me a few tries, but I eventually succeeded.
Except the game doesn't even check for the door when you crystal flash. It'll wait till you *finish* the crystal flash, then notice you're in mid-air, then notice that (if you're high enough) you're on top of a door, and *then* it'll activate the room transition.
So yeah. It was a big anti-climax.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Oh..still sounds cool though!
Thanks for the clarification on the speed echoes.  I was indeed mistaking those for something else.  I'm still confused by the space/time beam being a bomb if it's not supposed to actually exist in the game, and likewise the murder beam; wondering what the game thinks it is to make it do damage continually.  Actually, typing that I'm realizing I'm not clear on the distinction between those two since I've only read refs to the s/t beam used for resetting, not doing damage.  Rereading the old glitch faq should clarify part of that, though.  Sorry.

Interesting about the grapple beam.  What about the method used to kill Draygon?  Is that a function specifically of Draygon, the room, or both?  If there were other enemies in there that could grab Samus could they be electrocuted?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
That's most likely something specifically in Draygon's coding. None of the resistance bytes affect it, I've tested that.

For the space/time beam (no wave), just add up all the beams: Ice is 2, Spazer, 4, and Plasma 8. From the normal beam, go down 14 and you'll hit bombs.
The murder beam (all 4 beams) would be considered a powerbomb, except that you charge the beam, so that's ignored and it's a charged beam instead.

I don't know anything about how beams are actually programmed, though.
Wow, that's some interesting stuff, Kejardon.  I haven't seen any of that data at the ROM hacking community I go to.  Would you care to share your offsets?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
x_X The information is all in the enemy tables. Grapple bytes are 27 and 28, resistance pointer is bytes 61-62, bank used is byte 13.
Armor Guardian
Quote from Squash Monster:
I haven't seen any of that data at the ROM hacking community I go to.

Wild guess: The ROM hacking community you go to is that Acmlm Board place that I lurk at.
Not really so wild of a guess, considering that I 'm a moderately well known hacker there, thanks to EggVine (or if you're really old school, a colored version of Metroid 2).  But yes, you're right.

I normally don't do anything with Super Metroid, so I have no clue where those tables are, but I should be able to figure that out with a little research.  Thanks for that information.  I'll credit you if I can make an editor.
Armor Guardian
Arrrg!! The unspecified pronouns are killing me.

I have EggVine, despite the fact that I'll probably never make a hack of YI...
Ready and willing.
Wait, is this EggVine a level editor of sorts for SMW2? If so, I LOVE YOU.
Armor Guardian
Yes, EggVine is a level editor for SMW2. However, the main problem with it is that it just displays boxes and not graphics from the game.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
o_O The enemies are stored in two semi-seperate tables in bank A0(Offset 100000 to 108000). First table starts with Boyon(offset 104EBF), ends with what's probably the Chozo statues(offset 10713E), then there's a 14 (20 decimal) byte break before the next table starts.
A lot of the information I'm using comes from other people, actually; deskjockey_ found the enemy tables, resistance pointer and bank byte. I figured out the grapple bytes and how the resistance bytes worked.
There is a *ton* of information out there for editing Super Metroid already, there just isn't a comprehensive editor finished yet. Just about everything that can be realistically edited is known or easy to figure out at this point, you just need to find someone with the information or someone who knows where to look for the code / offsets.
Although, I haven't seen the main two people currently hacking Super Metroid in a week(jman2050 and Jathys), nor have I seen the two people that have done a lot of work previously in a long time(Kagerato and deskjockey_).