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Do you need to find out why the warning says warning?
Heck yeah, Man. What they's talking bouts? (23)
Why, no. I feel the need to respect all signs. (3)
Is it just me or does seeing a warning with no reason apparent make you want to investigate and find out why the warning was made. 

And doesnt that just eviscerate the purpose of a warning?

(Eviscerate, damn I'm good  8)  )
Thread title: 
Well, yeah, what's wit' de warnin'?
Isn't this poll gonna be biased, since those who obey the warning won't enter the thread?
and white wine
"only idiots post on these topics" :P
Actually you can tell who doesnt follow and lies if they post they do follow and dont follow by coming in
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from MegaMyke:
Actually you can tell who doesnt follow and lies if they post they do follow and dont follow by coming in

You speak confuserificationismishan as well?

Yeah, if they heeded the warning, they wouldn't have seen the poll, 'ere go, having not voted. Anybody who posts here saying they headed the warning is a liar automatically, but being the good somaritan I am...
Alright already, tell us why you made the warning I completely ignored.
Eh, it fealt good..  Actually... no rally it just seemed the thing to do..  See how Video games have convoluted your perceptionism of the personification of eternal creamy-ness.. ha....
It's hard to talk smart..  Really...  Oh well

Let's just say its to see if you can tell what i think you feel i think is felt
Gar! Pretentious time-waster! Well, I think you feel that I think you will feel the flesh scorched off your bones as I fry you with my ultrathermal breath!  Twisted Evil
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from MegaMyke:
Let's just say its to see if you can tell what i think you feel i think is felt

You're giving me ideas...I'll be back in about 44 minutes.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Man, I'm good. What? NO! I was just watching a speed run of Fusion! I swear!  Laughing
Of course I heeded the warning. I'd never ignore a sign like THAT, just like I'd never ignore a hi-voltage sign...
Or a "Warning:  Phazon ahead please stay back" sign
obviously, this thread was made so an argument can start...
Was it aznwhore, was it? Or was it made to show that society today in general ignore warnings and the scientific benefits of a study on the matter?

[/self confusion]
I'm with phazon.  Just goes to show that many don't respect what little rules they're given.  In fact!  Since we didnt follow simple rules, they added more rules..  And to prevent those rules from being broken, they created More RUles!  Until what we had was a dinosaur
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
RAWR!!! I eat all law breakers!

Huh? Oh, right, that's against the rules too...

*eats self*
Warnings are needed on warning signs so the mentally chalenged people of the world know if it is bad to do it or not :|
Vector!  I remember the old sonic comic books...  In fact i still have some!  Also, I like your "location"  it made me laugh for a whole....well no I didn't laugh...  But it made me smile on the inside  :)  And oh yeah!  I noticed you might be kinda sorta new here, and I've always wanted to welcome someone, so!  Welcome to...  Uhh Metroid 2002...  :D  And I sure hope you don't  trip on a landmine and blown 30,000 feet into the sky and launched to a remote island and just as you come to realize that the landmine barely hurt you, a stellite comes down and crashes on you thereby setting off an explosion whcih detonates the secret nuke hidden under that small patch of sand blwing up half the world...  because i live on that half!
Um..... thanks.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
And I got the cookies from under there.
Underwear!!!  Ha!  Man that cracks me up!  ...  :?
Or did you really mean just under there and forgot to be specific....
Quote from MegaMyke:
Underwear!!!  Ha!  Man that cracks me up!  ...  :?
Or did you really mean just under there and forgot to be specific....

Wrong mister.  I should wash out your mouth with soap.  That's just plain sick.

(Don't take offense to that please Mr. MegaMyke!)
Was I just referred to as an authorative figure?  This is my day of triumph!!!  As I sit here...  Eating my California cheese steak hoagie watching "Ace Venture:  When Nature Calls"  (my sig)  I feel powerful...  But then...  I will be shot down in the middle of my sentence only to wonder why society hasn't given me my proper respect yet.  "No respect, no respect at all"  Ah Rodney, my hero!  And I will stab the one who doesn't know who I'm referring to in the eye.
*Pulls out a spoon*
With a spoon!
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
"That ain't a knife! THIS is a knife!" *pulls out spoon*

Simpsons rocks.