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Does anyone have WCIII and play it on BattleNet? If so, whats your "level", favorite race and hero, ect... basic discussion. :)
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I almost played it over battle.net but I had to download a patch (56Ker) so level 0? and as for race the undead.
Cool. I am level 7 I think and I am usually, well... everyone but the Undead. I find Humans are the best.
I use to be level 12 mostly as Humans and Undead. Orc I'm okay at and Night Elves... well I suck :P. Now my level is non-existent because I haven't played after the ladder reset.
WHat do you mean about a "latter reset"? Is then when they wipe out all information on accounts or what, I never herd of that.
Blizzard reset the ladder recently.

I play human mostly.
Yeah, Humans are pretty great. The Griffons are the best because they can mas wipe thos freaking Chimeras and there easiy and faster to get. Humans don't have very good heros though, the wizzard is the one I usually start off with. Their knights are awesome strong too.
I play wc3 TFT almost daily. I play orc on solo ladder, and I play NE for AT.. I used to play Human on solo, but got bored. Uh, their heros are great if you know how to use them well enough. Of course human is AM, MK, and Paladin 3rd if you get a 3rd. Orc is FS, (USUALLY) TC, THEN SH.. ;o Of course if u go Blademaster, a SH followed up is a good combo.. of course SH is great vs NE.. His Serpant Wards rape Hunts. ;P I have all different levels, as I have like probably 10 or more accounts, some smurfs, and some normal ones. My highest level is around 22 or so... but I've stopped using that account, the stats suck on it too. :o btw, I find Wyvern faster to get for orc than Gryphons for Human to counter Chims.. as Wyvern are accesible at tier 2, where Gryphons are Tier3.. and cost more as well.. But yes, both work ;O.. actually D Hawk Riders are better counters for Human, and faster, accesible at Tier 2.. :o Shackle Shackle Shackle Shackle, oops ur Chims are owned, thx focus fire Riflemen, GEE GEE. :P

Quote from Superion:
Yeah, Humans are pretty great. The Griffons are the best because they can mas wipe thos freaking Chimeras and there easiy and faster to get. Humans don't have very good heros though, the wizzard is the one I usually start off with. Their knights are awesome strong too.

Lol, "The Wizard?" BloodMage?? He sux for first hero, usually.. AM is much much more efficent and effective in the long run.. Water Elementals.. and Brillance Aura own level 2 and 3. :P
Please don't double post. The edit button is very handy.
Ready and willing.
Please don't mini-mod.

Anyway, I've found myself doing stuff like that when I need to quote multiple things, because I'm lazy. So I can't say it's that bad. Oh well, I can just fuse the posts together.
Quote from Yoshi348:

Oh, sorry. Must have missed that rule. I'll remember not to do it in the future.
[EDIT] The reason I did that, actually, is because I came from a forum where the mods did pretty much nothing. Left as such, us forumites were forced to be mods without power. It wasn't too great a job, lemme tell you. Anyways, the rule is noted, and I won't do it again here. [/EDIT]
i used to play ladder, but got bored of it quite quickly.
nowdays i play mostly custom, since the communities there are alot more cool and stuff. and, frankly, custom games own ladder.  :o

DotA, Pyramid Escape, Uthers Party, Enfo's Team Survival etc etc.
Quote from Sweedie:
i used to play ladder, but got bored of it quite quickly.
nowdays i play mostly custom, since the communities there are alot more cool and stuff. and, frankly, custom games own ladder.  :o

DotA, Pyramid Escape, Uthers Party, Enfo's Team Survival etc etc.

Or, at least they would, if people EVER did anything other than Rival Nations, Hero Arena, and Tower Defence Gold No Walls Perfect Final Hack vSuper.
Or has it changed since I stopped playing?
i play the only 3 maps that are actully balanced. >.<

i've played uthers party some, but i activly play Enfo's and DotA.

(DotA original 3.94 btw. Allstars is just idiotic.)

Haven't played it in a while... I was playing Story mode but never finished ORc so I never got to play as Night Elves :(

WoW coming coon though :)
Quote from Sweedie:

Why? Everyone will still know what you mean, even with the censor.
Yeah, the point of censoring is pretty pointless in todays day in age. Words don't hurt people, its the message they come with... hiding the word will not hide the message.
Ready and willing.
Meh, our censor is still an endless source of amusement.
This is kinda random, but it deals with WC3:

Does anyone else realize that you can import MP3 files into the creator, modify their "Pitch", and have higher/lower speeds of the song? (Great for when you have a song that you want to be a little more creepy and can change it that: Like some of the Metroid ones {Like the Zero Mission Brinstar theme}Wink)

The best part is, it looks like you can export those new versions out of the game too. :D (I haven't tried that yet)